Accustic Arts Amp II-AC
- Measurements were made with 120V AC line voltage with both channels driven using the balanced inputs (there are only balanced inputs present on this amplifier).
- Gain: 17.6x, 24.9dB.
- Output noise, 8-ohm load, balanced input, 600-ohm input termination: wideband 0.440mV, -76.2dBW; A weighted 0.130mV, -86.8dBW.
- AC line current draw at idle: 1.72A.
- Output impedance at 50Hz: 0.0049 ohms.
- This amplifier inverts polarity.
Power output with 1kHz test signal
- 8-ohm load at 1% THD: 200W
- 4-ohm load at 1% THD: 350W
The Accustic Arts Amp II-AC High Performance is a very large and heavy but medium-/high-power solid-state design with typically wide bandwidth and very low output impedance.
Chart 1 shows the frequency response of the amp with varying loads. As can be seen, the output impedance, as judged by the closeness of spacing between the curves of open-circuit, 8-ohm and 4-ohm loading is quite low. The variation with the NHT dummy load in the audio range is negligible. What is unusual about this design is that the curves stay virtually overlaid all the way out to 200kHz.
Chart 2 illustrates how total harmonic distortion plus noise versus power varies for 1kHz and SMPTE IM test signals and amplifier output load. As can be seen, attainable power is greater for the 4-ohm load, as is usual for most power amplifiers.
Total harmonic distortion plus noise as a function of frequency at several different power levels is plotted in Chart 3. The amount of rise in distortion at high frequencies is fairly pronounced, and is similar to that of many amplifiers measured. Note that the curves for the higher powers of 100W and 300W don't extend all the way to 20kHz as the amp's protection circuit came into play above the highest frequencies shown on these curves.
Damping factor vs. frequency is shown in Chart 4 and is unusually high.
A spectrum of the harmonic distortion and noise residue is plotted in Chart 5. The magnitude of the AC-line harmonics is unusually low in this design. At the test level of 10W into 4 ohms, the signal harmonics are admirably low, with only the second harmonic showing above the noise level. Note that from the additional data the noise level is a bit higher than that of some other recent amplifiers measured and some of the higher signal harmonics may be under this noise level -- but also note that they would be less than 0.0001%.
Chart 1 - Frequency Response of Output Voltage as a Function of Output Loading |

Red line: open circuit
Magenta line: 8-ohm load
Blue line: 4-ohm load
Chart 2 - Distortion as a Function of Power Output and Output Loading |

(line up at 20W to determine lines)
Top line: 4-ohm SMPTE IM
Second line: 8-ohm SMPTE IM
Third line: 4-ohm THD+N
Bottom line: 8-ohm THD+N
Chart 3 - Distortion as a Function of Power Output and Frequency |

4-ohm output loading
Cyan line: 300W
Blue line: 100W
Magenta line: 20W
Red line: 2W
Chart 4 - Damping Factor as a Function of Frequency |

Damping factor = output impedance divided into 8
Chart 5 - Distortion and Noise Spectrum |

1kHz signal at 10W into a 4-ohm load
- 测量与120V交流电压驱动的使用作出平衡输入两个通道(只有平衡输入此放大器至今)。
- 增益:17.6x,二十四点九分贝。
- 输出噪声,8欧姆负载,平衡输入,600欧姆的输入端接:宽带0.440mV,- 76.2dBW,一个加权0.130mV,- 86.8dBW。
- 交流线电流消耗在空闲:1.72A。
- 在50Hz输出阻抗:0.0049欧姆。
- 该放大器颠倒极性。
- 8欧姆负载,1%总谐波失真功率:200W
- 4欧姆负载,1%总谐波失真输出功率:350W
二,艺术放大器的Accustic - AC的高性能是一个非常大而重,但medium-/high-power固态与一般宽的带宽和非常低的输出阻抗设计。
图1显示了用不同的负载放大器的频率响应。 可以看出,输出阻抗,作为判断之间开路,8欧姆和4欧姆负荷曲线间距接近是相当低的。 与音频范围内的莱科萨斯假负载的变化可以忽略不计。 这种设计是什么样的曲线难得的是,几乎覆盖所有留出路至200kHz。
图2说明了总谐波失真加噪声功率比和SMPTE即时1kHz的测试信号和放大器的输出负载变化。 可以看出,可实现功率为4欧姆负载更大,因为是常见的,最功率放大器。
总谐波失真加作为频率的函数噪声功率水平在几个不同的是在图3所示。 在高频率的失真上升的数量也相当明显,而且是许多类似的测量放大器的。 请注意,对于100W和300W更高的力量的曲线不一路延伸到20kHz作为放大器的保护电路成以上这些曲线上显示的最高频率播放来了。
阿的谐波失真和噪声残留谱绘制于图5。 将AC -线路谐波的幅度非常低,这种设计。 在为4欧姆10W的测试水平,是令人钦佩的信号谐波低,只有第二个以上的噪音水平谐波展示。请注意,从其他数据的噪音水平是一个比其他一些测量放大器和最近的一些更高的信号谐波可根据本噪音水平更高 - 但也注意到,他们将小于0.0001%。
图1 - f选项 的输出requency响应函数的输出电压为载入 |


第三行:4欧姆的THD + N
底线:8欧姆的THD + N


