[quote]Richard-555 在 2007-2-2 23:08:59 发表的内容
感谢recorders博士后, 这两天到NAIM英文版FORUM看了一下帖子(看了大约100页), 大概NAIM的新旧CD机都有类似问题, 是不是机器缺陷呢?这两天在镇子(PUCK)上塞了三块小海绵, 没有出现问题了(原先只塞了一块),看来是平衡出了问题.老外的做法是1)买一个轮流使用,不要将镇子留长久在转盘上;2) 将镇子以90度角来回转几次。总之,这个问题还是真不少。
下面引用MAIN FORUM 中的原文:
Some CDs do not play.
If the problem discs spin briefly (making an unpleasant scrapping noise) and then the front panel displays "ERROR" the likely cause is a slipping puck.
At initial start up the cd needs to be brought up to reading speed for the transport to become aware that there is a disc present. If the 3 tube grips have become flattened (often as a result of being left in place on a non-playing cd overnight) they will not couple the cd to the motor hub sufficiently for it to come up to speed. This will often first occur with thinner than standard discs.
If this seems to be the case - rotate the rubber tubes in the puck through 90 degrees. This restores them to a position "proud" of the puck and they will grip thin discs. They would also benefit from a little clean with isopropyl alcohol (if you can get some) to remove any grease.
It is a good idea to own 2 pucks - rotating their use day to day.
Also try to avoid leaving the puck on a cd overnight. Eventually the rubber will become too old to get a grip. A new puck will normally sort matters out.