Moka 在 2004-7-29 3:49:24 发表的内容
Moka 在 2004-7-29 3:21:09 发表的内容
fever 在 2004-7-29 3:13:47 发表的内容 差點忘了問 MOKA 兄對 PETER, PAUL & MARY 這些小兒科民歌有什麽意见。 |
像你我这个年纪的人应该是有很多共同的喜好,尤其你知道我的专业让我接触的可能更多一点。不过,那是很久前的事了,现在真要好好听Mydisc大侠给讲课了。 |
上个世纪七、八十年代有好多歌星,现在一时都想不起名字来了,Paul Simon, Garfunkel... ...Could you mention some of them ? |
I am delighted to mention some of the names that have given us so many good times that we will never forget. They are Carpenters, Lobo, Don Mclean, Dana, Tom Jones, Engelbert Humperdink, Donovan, Abba, The Beatles, The Beach Boys,Simon and Garfunkel, Petula Clarke, The Supremes, ....................... There are hundreds and hundres more that It is impossible to list all of them out here. Shall be open a new one down memory lane?It wil be so wonderful.........