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全频 静电 障板 丝带 电磁 离子 DDD  一个都不能少
最后编辑potrain 最后编辑于 2009-05-13 14:13:48






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原帖由 牛仔 于 2009-5-13 14:04:00 发表

mg12xo.jpg (, 下载次数:7)

jpg(2009/5/13 14:20:49 上传)



原帖由 富盛 于 2009-5-13 14:03:00 发表



弱水三千取一瓢饮  好意境 贴切

原帖由 jacky70 于 2009-5-13 13:40:00 发表


原帖由 Real 于 2009-5-13 13:18:00 发表
[quote] 原帖由 电位器 于 2009-5-13 13:17:00 发表
呵呵!刚开始听说还不相信,现在看明白了.几位版主纷纷粉墨登场.热闹!居然说闭门造车.呵呵!挑逗你一句,我们玩音响周游列国的时候.你可能还在上学吧. [/quot......



哈哈 真是好玩,好久没试过这么热闹吧,干嘛封贴呢 ,好过一潭死水啦,不爆粗就行拉吧,想不到这么热闹呢,没话题就不好玩啦,好看过音响杂志,不会一味歌功颂德呢,够现场感,够互动,够刺激,不如每月一篇好吗各位?

opening_magnepan.jpg (, 下载次数:5)

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最后编辑potrain 最后编辑于 2009-05-13 15:22:45

原帖由 Real 于 2009-5-13 13:18:00 发表
[quote] 原帖由 电位器 于 2009-5-13 13:17:00 发表
呵呵!刚开始听说还不相信,现在看明白了.几位版主纷纷粉墨登场.热闹!居然说闭门造车.呵呵!挑逗你一句,我们玩音响周游列国的时候.你可能还在上学吧. [/quot......



最后编辑Real 最后编辑于 2009-05-13 15:20:41


What amplifier, speaker cables, subwoofers, etc. work best with Magneplanars?
The staff at Magnepan have their hands full trying to keep up with our back orders, research and development, and all the demands associated with trying to stay at the forefront of our business. We understand the design issues of a good amplifier design, etc., but we simply can't do our jobs and keep up with ever-changing products. It may come as a surprise, but many of our customers have auditioned more amplifiers than we have.

Unfortunately, there is no definitive source to answer these questions. We know many of the reviewers personally and they all have their own preferences. The Internet is full of free advice, but very little consensus.

That's the bad news. The good news -- while you could make it your career to find the ultimate amplifier for your money you want to spend, the top choice from any one of our dealers will be a winner. There are so many products available to the dealers that they can pick and choose what they want to sell. We don't know of any Magnepan dealers selling substandard amplifiers with Magneplanars. Part of the dealer's motivation to go into the business is the enjoyment of the art. If you believe they are strongly promoting a specific brand just for the money, we strongly disagree. They enjoy what they are doing; and if there is any criticism, it could be that in their exuberance, they may recommend better products than you are willing to buy.

There are a few general design recommendations we can offer:

Subwoofers - The subwoofers that move a lot of air and are impressive in a home theater demonstration are usually sloppy and become tiresome during extended music listening. If you are impressed with the subwoofer, wait a bit. The best subwoofers don't call attention to themselves but provide the most enjoyment over the long haul.
4 Ohm capacity is important in amplifier design (more on that later).
Speaker Cables - As with other ancillary equipment, we can't keep up. But we can offer this advice: a system's total performance is dependent upon on a balanced approach. Sometimes spending less in one area and more in another will result in a total performance improvement. This applies to cables and speaker wire as well as ancillary equipment.

Will my receiver drive Magneplanars?
A receiver is very efficient and cost-effective. Unfortunately, consumers want all the "bells and whistles" without understanding the importance of power supply. Everyone understands they need plenty of power, but the role of power supply is not understood. There is one important concept you need to remember when shopping for an amplifier or receiver: the power should double (or nearly double) at 4 ohms. This concept applies even if you are buying an 8 ohm speaker. If the amplifier is rated at 80 watts at 8 ohms, it should produce 160 watts at 4 ohms (or close to it). None of the receivers will do that. However, this is the benchmark of a good amplifier design.

A good receiver might produce 30-40% more power at 4 ohms. Most receiver manufacturers don't want to talk about 4 ohm rating, because they have cut the "guts" out of their products to keep the cost down. Some receivers produce the same power at 4 ohms as the 8 ohm ratings. Or they use a switch on the back for 4 ohms to prevent the receiver from self destructing. Others warn against 4 ohm speakers. Regardless of what speaker you buy, we don't recommend these receivers. There are a few manufacturers making receivers with good 4 ohm capability. We can't keep up with who's doing what. All you have to do is ask "What is the 4 ohm power rating?" If the 4 ohm rating isn't available, move on. There are other manufacturers that are proud to list their 4 ohm ratings.

For more detailed information, read the following NEC Electronics article.

How much power do I need?
We are asked this question every day. But, individual tastes vary so greatly that a definitive answer is impossible. We are using a 35 watt receiver in the lobby to our factory. Therefore, can we say that 35 watts is all you need? For each increase of 3 db, the power must be doubled. So, 70 watts, 140 watts, 280 watts, etc. will result in a 3 db increase over the receiver we are using in our lobby. Personal tastes are "all over the map". We hear of customers that are perfectly happy with 25 watts and others using 1000 watts. Without the option of listening with you, we have no way to give advice.The most reliable way to answer this question for your particular needs is by visiting a dealer. If you listen to your music at your normal volume, in a room that is approximately the same size as your room, with an amplifier similar to what you plan to use, an accurate power requirement can be determined for your listening habits. The amplifier used in this test should have a similar 4 ohm rating as the amplifier you plan to use at home, but it is not necessary for it to be identical to your amplifier.

What is the best Magneplanar for my room?
To answer that question requires some background information. You may have noticed similar specifications for the least-to-most expensive Magneplanars are very similar. There is nothing in the specifications to justify the cost difference. More than any other performance parameter, what you are buying as you move up in the Magneplanar line is RESOLUTION (or definition). Unlike video, there are no specifications in loudspeakers for resolution. You can hear it, but it is not easily defined.

If Magnepan sold only the portion of the speaker that operated from about 200 Hz and up, the question of speaker size/room size would never come up. That type of ribbon driver would be very narrow. Most of the area of a Magneplanar is needed for bass reproduction. A large Magneplanar in small room is an aesthetic issue and and a question of bass reproduction. For mids and highs, any Magneplanar will work in a small room. If a speaker produces too much bass in a room, there are technical solutions. It is easier to solve than insufficient bass.

Buy as much Magneplanar resolution as your budget will allow. The larger Magneplanars in a small room can be smoothed out in the bass. The objection of a larger Magneplanar in a small room is usually a cosmetic issue for a family member. On that one, we can't help.

Where is the best position in my room for Magneplanars?
The optimum placement of a speaker in a room would provide a minimum of a 10 millisecond delay for the first reflection off of walls. And then there is the issue of optimizing placement to achieve smooth bass response. Few of us have the room or the freedom to place speakers where they sound the best. Much of life involves compromise.

Magneplanars will sound their best very close to whatever position is the best compromise for conventional speaker placement in your room. Without being there, we have no means of improving on what you have discovered by trial and error.

Are Magneplanars good for home theater?
See our home theater section for a complete answer. In short, high resolution sound in home theater is not appreciated in a 5-10 minute demonstration. The typical home theater demonstration is short and full of crashes, explosions and other dramatic scenes. What Magneplanars can do for home theater will take at least 20 minutes or more into a movie. The process is subtle. High resolution sound does not call attention to itself. You become more immersed in the movie and don't realize until later that Magneplanars have a seductive quality on home theater that will increase over time.
最后编辑potrain 最后编辑于 2009-05-13 15:31:14

A Tradition of Innovation and Advanced TechnologyHave you ever noticed that instruments projected from small boxes sitting on the floor sound like they are coming out of boxes on the floor? This problem can be partially corrected by placing the box speakers on tall speaker stands. However, the sound still seems to be coming out of a box, because that's precisely what it is doing.
The patented Magneplanar principle eliminates these problems by a fundamentally different approach to sound propagation. The Magneplanar projects sound from top to bottom, giving the sound height as well as stereo width and depth. In the concert hall, instruments project in all directions. Instead of projecting sound out of a box, Magneplanars project in all directions, which closely duplicates the original performance.
With your eyes closed the Magneplanar will allow you to "see" the original performance suspended in space. The full height, width and depth of the concert hall can be heard.

Loading Theoretically, loudspeakers should use massless drivers suspended in space with no box, magnet structure, or framework around the drivers. Most conventional box speakers are far from this ideal. The mass of the driver is high and the rear wave is contained within the box or magnet structure. While the frequency response can be smoothed out in a box speaker, the character of the sound is inevitably affected. The music sounds like it is coming out of a box-constricted and unnatural.
The Magneplanar diaphragm comes closer to the ideal driver. The mass is low and the diaphragm is not contained. The sound is permitted to radiate freely into space. With the box removed, Magneplanars sound more like you are there.

Uniform Drive The power from an ampilifer causes the conventional cone speaker to react as if it had received a sharp blow at the voice coil. Since the outer portions of the cone cannot respond instantly, the cone will flex. The resulting cone breakup gives music a "fuzzy", "blurred" quality.
The Magneplanar eliminates cone breakup by driving the Magneplanar diaphragm over its entire area. The force from the amplifer is distributed over the entire diaphragm so that it all moves at the same time. Cone or diaphragm breakup is dramatically reduced and the integrity of the music is preserved.

Mass The effect of mass on a loudspeaker can be illustrated by the comparison of a balloon and a beach ball. In the case of the balloon a nominal force such as a puff of wind will cause the balloon to accelerate quickly. When the force ceases, the balloon decelerates quickly. The same force will move the beach ball, however, the ball is slower to start and slower to stop. High mass is one of the main causes of sonic degraduation in conventional speakers.
Magneplanars use ultra low mass components. For example, the Magneplanar ribbon element is so thin, that on edge, it is invisible to the naked eye. It is so light that when a piece of it is dropped from a height of 6 feet it takes and average of 5 seconds for it to reach the floor. Conventional speaker designs prohibit such low mass-the force from the driving amplifier would crush conventional speakers made of such light materials. Only by driving the transducer over its entire area can you use materials of such low mass.

Quasi ribbon / Planar-Magnetic Driver This unique technology developed by Magnepan is the heart of Magneplanar speaker. The Quasi-Ribbon shown is basically the same driver used for the mid and low frequencies of the Magneplanar speaker with the infusion of a heavier gauge wire replacing the thin aluminum ribbon. Using a .0005" Mylar diaphram and a .001" ribbon this diapole, cabinetless design leaves the sound absolutely un coloured by box resonances.
This design requires no transformer to compress the signal path and thus 'squeeze' the details that make music 'live'. The flat impedance and superb power response are kind to your amplifier and let your music free with an amazing imaging stage, and superb tonal accuracy. While they do require an amplifier with the ability to drive a 4 ohm load, they will make that amplifier sound simply like amplifiers costing several thousand dollars more!

True Ribbon Driver: The finest Ribbon driver in the world! The Magnepan direct coupled Ribbon has absolutely no equal in high frequency sound reproduction. With its 360 degree radiating dipole design, the Ribbon Driver found in our award winning MG 3.6 and MG 20.1 speakers presents your music as you would have heard it when it was recorded. Subtle information which supports the detail of timbre and accuracy of the image are reproduced with such ease by your amplifier that you'll find yourself hearing details in your music you never heard before.
The difference between a real piano and a decent synthesizer is a stretch on some of the 'so called' high-end speakers. With Magnepan's accurate tonality and superior wave radiation, you'll find yourself distinguishng an Baldwin from a Steinway, or a Martin from a Breedlove. This ribbon's wideband operation theater doesn't hand that accurate and true image to a sloppy midrange at 5kh either! It 'sings' the image down to 1kh, where it is passed to a midrange of a similar design.... only with a silky smoothness which will have chills running down your spine.

Full-Range Dipole Speakers: The Audiophile's Choice Despite the early reliability problems of electrostats and their large size many audiophiles have had a lifelong affection for the unique sound of full-range dipole speakers.
Jim Winey, the inventor of the Magneplanar, owned KLH9 electrostatic speakers and began experimental work to design an improved electrostat. In 1969, Jim invented the Magneplanar, a thin-film magnetic equivalent to the electrostat.
Many full-range dipole speakers have been marketed over the years, but the Magneplanar stands alone as the only true practical and affordable full-range dipole to be accepted by hard-core audiophiles and non-technical customers alike. In the last survey of Stereophile magazine readers, more audiophile readers owned Magneplanars than any other speaker.
From that taut, clean bass to the silky highs, full-range dipoles can create a seductive illusion of the original event. Once a listener develops a taste for dipole sound, few go back to conventional dynamic speakers.
Today you don't have to be a hard-core audiophile to own full-range dipoles. The beautifully crafted Magneplanars are advanced to satisfy the audiophile's dream, but domesticated in a way that belies their esoteric origins.

The Reference Magneplanar The ultimate in Magnepan speaker technology is offered in the Reference Magneplanar. Every aspect of our design principles has been extended to new levels.
Successful speaker design considers a complex array of engineering issues. To be successful, the main requirement is that the drivers must be inherently "quick"! Outstanding transient response is not an option...it is mandatory. "Slow" tranducers can be engineered to sound pleasant, but can never achieve lifelike performance.
The Reference Magneplanar uses unique transducers which are physical impossibilities with conventional technology. Magneplanar's true line source ribbon tweeter is 1/10th the thickness of a human hair. The quasi-ribbon midrange would itself make a superior tweeter with flat response to beyond 20kHz; the thin film Diplanar bass driver, although used only below 150Hz, is "full-up" at 7kHz.
It is this conservative application of highly refined principles that has resulted in a loudspeaker system that fulfills the audiophile's highest ideals.
最后编辑potrain 最后编辑于 2009-05-13 15:35:10

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