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6 -year-old boy fall into the water pot burns up to 14% [复制链接]

family applied immediately with soy sauce on the bottom Xiaowei , and took him to Rongcheng City People's Hospital burns surgery.

a medical examination , Xiaowei buttocks , perineum double-stranded and wound redness ,[url=http://www.abercrombieandfitchfrfrance.com]abercrombie[/url], blisters appeared many scattered ,[url=http://www.abercrombieandfitchfrfrance.com]Abercrombie et Fitch[/url], the largest diameter of the blisters up 6cm. Part of the blisters rupture , the base of the wound flushing ,[url=http://www.abercrombieandfitchfrfrance.com]Abercrombie & Fitch[/url], pain sensitivity . Hospital Burn Surgery immediate wound cleaning , antibiotics, anti- infection , and topical burn creams and other means of treatment. Currently ,[url=http://www.abercrombieandfitchfrfrance.com]abercrombie and fitch[/url], Xiaowei no danger , still in the hospital for observation .

4日around 5 pm , Xiaowei 's mother in the kitchen preparing dinner . To save time , she boiled the rice cooker on the ground burning ravioli , she went with induction cooking.

At this time , Xiaowei and sister playing in the kitchen . When rice is almost good ,[url=http://www.abercrombieandfitchfrfrance.com]abercrombie france[/url], sister to the closet to get ready to hold rice bowl . Then naughty Xiaowei in the past to grab . Results , because the ground water , Xiaowei foot slip , body back tossed away . Did not pull a sister , Xiaowei is a butt got into a pot of boiling water to cook the chaos , pain at the time a child crying .
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