jeff 在 2007-3-6 22:01:05 发表的内容 哎。。。各位如果有机缘,有一套搭配基本良好的数码系统,一台必须调教到位的好黑胶盘,随便一台开盘机,让你各听一小时,再木的人也就啥都明白了,纳于实践,机缘不全,就只能这样纸上谈兵,聊胜于无。。。 |
Good point, hence Wilma Cozart Fine and Jack Renner chose digital finally. However, many people here have 机缘, and they are just discussing their unique feelings of such 机缘 on this forum, is it really called "纸上谈兵"?
Also, we have the best source available: LIVE CONCERT, so why bother to judge digital and LP by Open Reels?
Wilma Cozart Fine: 'Not so long ago a dealer called and told me that he had some trouble in selling a pair of Thiel high-end loudspeakers. The client had been listening to all sorts of music but was unable to decide if he would buy the speakers. Until the dealer played this CD and the client went home with the speakers and the CD.'