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数码信号线的差别? [复制链接]


重起 在 2004-3-13 19:18:45 发表的内容
Jitter can be measured with sophisticated oscilloscopes and then the value computed in picoseconds (ps). The higher the ps value, the worse the jitter caused by that particular medium. Some examples of measurable jitter from different digital interconnects used in Hi-Fi : Optical (plastic) cable – 2944 ps, Electrical (co-axial) cable – 1434 ps. * taken from Monarchy Audio’s site * As you can see, the difference between two standards of digital transmission and the medium used can cause as much as a 50% difference in jitter.

There are other issues such as the quality of the coaxial and fiber optics.
Coaxial counts of the quality of the conductor but most important is the
impedance of the cable and the terminal.

The impedance of the cable would affect the jitter but most of the
terminal such as BNC, they heavily count on the impedance. Some of the
BNC doesn't have accurate impedance that cause standing wave and
eventually jitter increase.

On the other hand, fiber optic counts on mainly the quality of the material
used. Plastic of course has many quality level but the best yet is glass
optic that seldom see on audio market.
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