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ADWS 在 2004-3-1 15:44:54 发表的内容

You can't say that. Many good recording they use not point source
recording but not as you think and there are many out there like this.

Besides, music recording is sort of art like painters drawing their pictures.
There is nothing wrong or right in this field but only good, better, or best
music or recording. However, do not forget, beauty is in the eyes of
the beholder.

If anyone doesn't like punchy recording, there are almost 90% of recording
which is really music.

One doesn't have good system is one's business, one cannot telling
people not to producing such kind of records.

How about more positive thinking rather then negative?? then you will live more happilly.
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rossi 在 2004-3-1 17:57:31 发表的内容

Thanks your support Rossi.
Yes, I've found minority of guys here very upset to read English and I feel
lemon by reading their comments.

I already apologised several time that I can't type Chinese. This time once more.

For those who do not understand English doesn't worry me at all and I
don't feel hurting me either but my sympaphy to those narrow minded
(it may be the strongest word I used, but they are) people.

Please convey my regards and apologise to these people not to reject
what I wrote in English.

My comments, to the positive side , will stimulate these guys to learn
English if they wanted to see my contents. If they don't know or they don't bother to understand, well, just leave it and do not make too many noises.

There are quite a few guys here could accept my English writing and
nicely compliance with English language because this is an open forum
and most importantly, I like to share my experience with you folks.

Besides, almost all technical terms on electronic are coming from English

If they do look at me in a negative way, then I can tell them not to wear
any shirts (including T-shirt) not wearing shoes, no rice cooker,
no electricity, not cars, no household electricity, no mobile phones,
no elevators, etc.etc...... because all these thing are imported from mostly
English speaker countries insluding America.

Nowaday, we are not only Chinese, we should consider we ourselves
World People. Just think about this century, nobody on earth can be
separated from other area of the world.

One area invloved in disaster, we cannot say " Oh, let it be" but we will
stretch out our helping hand to help other people just like our country had
been helping other countries or once the flood happed in China,
Hong Kong people always stretching their helping hand to comfort our
fellow folks.

I will pay my utmost sympaphy to those guys who have lots of noise to my
English writing.

If they really wanted to know what I wrote, please do not telling me
"so and so" or "you should do this, you should that" but just response to
this forum asking for assistance with courtesy and I believe there lots of
guys would gladly stretching hands to assist.
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