[quote]老玉米 在 2006-1-7 11:56:54 发表的内容
[quote]samkoo 在 2006-1-6 20:12:58 发表的内容
老玉米前辈!有人要我换喜万年6sl7gt和rca6sn7gt ,1200元给我。可以吗? 声音回有多大改观? 先行谢礼![/quote]
抱歉,我不喜欢古董管,也没有留意过。我用A-70T,前级是12AX7,12AU7,国内管源很多,现代管已经能调配出很好的声音。我的一些朋友买过古董管,我个人认为没有太大的变化,有些还是假货,你买时多加小心 。[/quote]
Agree!. The NOS tubes really change the sound, but do not think worth the money. BTW, sometines just wonder why still so many NOS tubes left? And the guy tell me that Russia or Shuguang still make lots of "NOS" tubes now. So be careful when u buy NOS tubes.