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The Sri Lankan cricket team photo
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Li Qiuheng Global Times special correspondent reports, according to Agence France-Presse reports, Sri Lanka sports minister Gamini · Lokuge (Gamini Lokuge), the national cricket team of Sri Lanka 3 in eastern Pakistan, Lahore being shot,[url=http://www.casqueheadset.info]Beats Pas Cher[/url], 5 Pakistan police officers were killed, 3 of the Sri Lankan players injured.
according to Agence France-Presse reports, Luo Skoog said, the Sri Lankan cricket team in the day to travel to the Lahore cricket stadium on the way the attacks. He said, two seriously injured players have been rushed to hospital for treatment, another player foot injuries.
team manager Brenden Kurrupu said, the player is attacked in the near hall door plate,[url=http://www.casqueheadset.info]Beats Pas Cher[/url], with a maximum of 5-6 injured players.
Lahore Police Department said, 5 police have killed in the shooting process.
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