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legend, one day in 1838, the British named Roland? Hill (SIR ROWLAND HILL, later SIR) people walk in London country. He saw a messenger sent the letter to a girl. The girl glanced at the envelope and put the letter back, Messenger, sorry to say: "sorry, I have no money,[url=http://www.scarpeonline.info/news/quali-forme-di-ugg-saldi-e-diminuire-giacca-tuta-si-greatest-a-681.html]Ugg Saldi[/url], can not afford to pay the postage, please put the letter back!" The messenger is not promised, two people had a quarrel. Roland? Hill said to him, paid the postage, delivered the letter to the girl. The messenger left, the girl on the Roland? Hill said: "this letter is from my brother. Our appointment, he All is well., then draw a circle on the envelope, I saw the mark, that he All is well., would not have to mail, postage will not pay." Roland? Listen to the Hill girl, with deep feeling, to study on the improvement of the postal delivery charges.
Roland Hill began to study the postal problems?. He found that, Britain increased postage, the national postal income decreased; while the French reduced postage, but the letters, postal income increase. He further study found, reasons for the decrease of the British Postal income,[url=http://bambinistivaliugg.yolasite.com]Bambini Stivali UGG[/url], is the most letters to delivery charge. While many of the recipient rejection letters,[url=http://uomostivaliugg.yolasite.com]Uomo Stivali UGG[/url], no postage, when a letter back,[url=http://www.scarpeonline.info/donna-stivali-ugg-c-1.html]Stivali Ugg[/url], people won't pay. The post office courier white ran two road, not a penny.
is more obviously, according to the relay billing, postage. When the British postal regulations, postage from within 15 miles of one page letter 4 pence, or 700 miles or more charged 17 pence, which consists of 14 levels. Roland? Hill through the survey found: a letter from a to B, the freight is rarely. For example, 400 miles from London to Edinburgh, postage on a letter but 1/36 penny. But the same letters, transported to the place near, because the quantity is less, rather than more share of freight. So the roland. Hill concluded: "letters according to distance, for different postage, seems on the surface to be reasonable, practical groundless. If the postage and letter posting, operation, delivery cost is proportional to the London collection, send a letter to local delivery charges 2 pence in London, is sent to the Edinburgh letter, extra postage 1/36 penny, then enough between the transportation fee. How can such a small amount of money how to charge?" So, he put forward a reform measures. In Great Britain and Ireland range, letters, regardless of distance, are charged a fixed postage, each half ounce (English) a penny postage. All postage must be paid in advance. The post office said "sell a postage paid" "printing" envelope and envelope paper. For those who are unwilling to use the post office printing envelopes with envelope sender,[url=http://www.scarpeonline.info/]Ugg Scontati[/url], the post office also said "sell a postage paid" "printing" paper. Paper size and "stamp" almost, back glue, slightly wet, you can stick it on the envelope. When roland. Hill called this paper as "label", the actual is what we now call the stamps.
1839, Roland? Hill commissioned William? Moerlai station (WILLIAN MUL>

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