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出马尔茨,950买,700包邮卖 [复制链接]


这套碟如果从出版社直接购买全新的话, 价格是80英镑, 免邮。  但是, 人家给你免费寄到中国, 用的是平信, 丢了你都不知道找谁去。  

楼主的这个价格很划来的, 说句公道话。 若你想检漏, 让楼主300元卖, 这就有点过分了。  martzy的东西一向值钱。  看看这个介绍, martzy的cd总共没有几张:

Posthumous careers such as Martzy's germinate unpredictably, often from the second-hand LP record market. Her EMI and Deutsche Grammophon LPs, dating from the 1950s, now go for as much as $500 a disc. Perhaps in response to that, Japanese EMI released the six-disc "Art of Johanna Martzy" in 1988. The first Martzy CD release in the West came in 1994 with her [url=http://www.bach-cantatas.com/Lib/Brahms-Johannes.htm]Johannes Brahms[/url] and [url=http://www.bach-cantatas.com/Lib/Mendelssohn-Felix.htm]F. Mendelssohn[/url] concerto performances on Testament. Then from smaller labels came a flood of previously unreleased material. The England-based Coup d'Archet delivered five discs of European radio releases that were hard to get in the USA (though some have turned up on Amazon.com). The Doremi label has a series of live recitals taped in Canada, though only Volume 1 is currently available. Meanwhile, Japanese EMI re-released its Martzy CD box with an added bonus: two long-suppressed recordings from 1954 of the violinist playing [url=http://www.bach-cantatas.com/Lib/Mendelssohn-Felix.htm]F. Mendelssohn[/url] and Mozart with [url=http://www.bach-cantatas.com/Bio/Sawallisch-Wolfgang.htm]Wolfgang Sawallisch[/url], made amid quarrels about tempo and other matters.
最后编辑黑胶收藏 最后编辑于 2012-09-24 20:21:13
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