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Raysonic威思顿在白天鹅音响展的最新报道 [复制链接]


Raysonic Putting style into its design philosophy.
One glance at any Raysonic skill product is all that is needed to be attracted to it.  Raysonic is a bold fashion statement in today's hi-fi designs. Traditionally, with tubes, a great sound equals to a great amplifier. Raysonic is bringing a new element into this formula: The idea that a great sound needs the complement of an elegant appearance.
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Raysonic at SSI 2011 Montreal, Canada High End Audio Show from www.stereophile.com Show Report By Art Dudley
Gunmetal glory from Raysonic

I’m not familiar with Raysonic, but their system sounded excellent: a large-scale presentation with good color and texture, elements of which may have been owing to the impressive-looking Raysonic Reference 26 mono tube amplifiers ($16,500/pair in Canadian funds). Each 180Wpc amp contains 12 Russian-made 7591AEH output tetrodes, configured for true balanced operation. (We were told that the loudspeakers, which bore the name Revolver, aren’t commercially affiliated with Raysonic.)
Even more appealing to this EL34 enthusiast—visually, at least—was Raysonic’s beautiful SP-300 integrated amp ($2600), on static display. I requested a review loaner, so perhaps I’ll soon have a better idea what this brand is all about.
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