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听了十年古典,今天终于听到了富特贝九! [复制链接]


别听排练版了,Orfeo 出的才是Bayreuth重开现场录音。声音好的多。
本主题由 版主 eric 于 2011/3/18 18:13:33 执行 设置精华/取消 操作
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回复 15# scfan 的帖子

Dade Thieriot, president of the Wilhelm Furtwangler Society of America and someone likely to know about these things, wrote: "The hack job that Mr. Legge did is an embarassment and an insult to the Furtwangler legacy, and while it is in and of itself a memorable version, it is nonetheless not what it has always claimed to be. Dress rehearsals spliced together with chunks of the live performance is not in any case the real thing." He added that the applause at the end of the EMI release was added to create the "live" recording.
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