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Cello 传奇与cello四尺比较 [复制链接]


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Historical Chronology of Cello Product Introductions

January 1985        Audio Palette and Master Supply
March 1985           Cello Strings I Interconnect Cable
July 1985                Audio Suite Modular Preamplifier
June 1986              Performance Amplifier and Amati Speaker
June 1987               Etude Passive Preamplifier
July 1988                 Encore Preamplifier
October 1990          Palette Preamplifier
May 1991                 Cello Strings II and III Speaker Cables
September 1991    Duet 350 Amplifier and Strad Grand Master Speaker
October 1991          Encore 50 Amplifier
November 1991     Strad Master Speaker
April 1992                 Strad Premiere Speaker (四尺)
April 1993                 Encore Line Preamplifier
August 1994            Strad Legend Speaker (传奇)
September 1994    Serafin Active Speaker
December 1995     Encore 150 Amplifier
July 1997                 Elves Speakers
January 2003          Rhapsody Amplifier
January 2006         Chorale Preamplifier and Master Power Supply
March 2010             Encore Amplifier
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