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这位拉大提琴的是谁? [复制链接]


下面的文字讲到这家伙32岁时参加四年一届的纽姆堡大奖大赛,结果来自上海的18岁大提琴手摘得桂冠,Marius May和另一位来自德国的演奏家分享第二名。看来又是一个成年后未能成大器的少年天才。

A Shanghai Cellist, 18, Wins Naumburg Prize

Published: June 15, 1990

LEAD: Hai-Ye Ni, an 18-year-old cellist from Shanghai, has been awarded first prize in the Walter W. Naumburg International Cello Competition. The award consists of $5,000 in cash, two Alice Tully Hall recitals, a recording with Musical Heritage Records, and orchestral and recital performances.

Hai-Ye Ni, an 18-year-old cellist from Shanghai, has been awarded first prize in the Walter W. Naumburg International Cello Competition. The award consists of $5,000 in cash, two Alice Tully Hall recitals, a recording with Musical Heritage Records, and orchestral and recital performances.

The second prize of $2,000 was shared by Gustav Rivinius, 25, of West Germany and Marius May, 32, of Britain.

The Naumburg International Cello Competition is held every four years. Past winners include Andres Diaz, Colin Carr and Nathaniel Rosen.
最后编辑qsyd 最后编辑于 2009-01-10 00:39:49
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