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Hi,久违了,小米----从零开始,玩转MAC MINI CAS(更新-空间再... [复制链接]


根据楼主无私分享的经验,我也搞了套MAC MINI CAS,并在AMARRA官网购买了正版AMARRA3.0,但最近升级更换MAC MINI 后,无法再次激活AMARRA了,只要一进激活的步骤就几乎好像死机一样,请教楼主更换MAC MINI 后,如何再次激活AMARRA?谢谢。
本主题由 版主 eric 于 2012/10/30 12:57:00 执行 主题置顶/取消 操作
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回复 583楼szlghq的帖子

      To reinstall Amarra 3.0, please do the following:
- Delete any Amarra 3.0 folders from your Applications folder in Finder
- Remove any Amarra icons from your dock
- Download and launch the Amarra v30 installer from the link below


- Choose Easy Setup when prompted
- Select ‘Yes’ when asked to launch Amarra
- Click Activate to access the activation window
- Enter your code, email address and current pw in the spaces provided
- Click Activate again and when asked for a new pw, create your own new, unused password up to 16 characters long and enter in the space provided
- Click ‘OK’ to activate Amarra 3.0

Chapter 13............................ Licensing Two (2) Computers
Amarra software allows for 2 machines to be activated with the same license. To activate Amarra
on two machines, please do the following:
Machine 1
1. Download and launch the Amarra Installer on Machine 1
2. Choose Easy Setup
3. Select ‘Yes’ when asked to launch Amarra
4. Click Activate to access the Activation Window
5. Enter Your Activation Code, email address and create your own password up to 16
characters long and enter in the spaces provided.
6. Click ACTIVATE to activate your copy of Amarra on Machine 1.
Machine 2
Download and launch the Amarra Installer on Machine 2
1. Choose Easy Setup
2. Select ‘Yes’ when asked to launch Amarra
3. Click Activate to access the Activation Window
4. Enter Your Activation Code, email address and the password created for machine 1 in
the spaces provided
5. Click ACTIVATE to continue the process on Machine 2.
You will be asked to enter a new password for Machine 2. Enter in a new, unused password up
to 16 characters in length. You should get a message that your software has been activated and
should not have any issues moving forward.
Note: Your password is attached to your license, not your computer. The password
created on machine 2 will become the active password for your license should you
need to activate any machine in the future.
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