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布伦德尔:里赫特与舒伯特搭不上边! [复制链接]


Not long ago Alfred Brendel gave a lecture on Schubert's last sonatas in Museum Louisiana in Danmark close to where I live. Afterwards I thanked him for his "performance" and since there were just the two of us, I could not resist asking what he thought of Sviatoslav Richter's performances of Schubert's sonatas and the the last one in particular, D.960.
"Do you like them?", he asked me, if one actually could like it. "Yes, actually I do", I replied, feeling a strange tension coming up. "That has nothing to do Schubert! , was his ferocious reply.
Then he started talking about the slow tempo of D.960, which is "Molto Moderato" and you can explain in different ways. No chance for me to reply, because he was ready to shake my hand to say goodbye.
I esteem Mr. Brendel very highly but was rather shocked by his comment. For me Richter's performances of Schubert are still treasures, no matter the tempo, and I am sure they will be for a long time to come.


本主题由 版主 eric 于 2012/10/30 17:52:02 执行 设置精华/取消 操作
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