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也说JAMO R909 [复制链接]


也说JAMO R909


» EISA最佳音响/家庭影院类大奖

最佳奖项 品牌 型号
HIGH-END扬声器                 Jamo R 909

R 909
Aug 2006
With the sculptural R 909 speaker, Jamo’s development engineers have demonstrated what they are capable of delivering, when cost is no object, and only the best components and materials are good enough. The R 909 is among very few speakers that work without a box enclosure, which normally makes it difficult to reproduce low frequencies. So, a pair of high-efficiency 15-inch bass drivers and an ingenious crossover is Jamo’s response to this challenge, and since there is no ordinary box-generated resonances, the R 909’s sound is free of cabinet coloration, stunningly unrestrained, crisp and dynamic. This large speaker comes with an exemplary finish and superior attention to detail – an impressive “high-end” statement, which deserves the best amplifier that a demanding music lover can afford.



R 909
Jul 2006
"And the Jamos are very room-friendly: we had our largest room earmarked for them, but we were encouraged to try them in a smaller space, where they worked just fine on the end of our Naim/Krell reference system. Whatever you’ve heard about the problems of room interaction with dipole speakers like these, the R 909s just get on with the job, provided they have a metre or so of space behind them and a gentle toe-in toward the listening position.
While these speakers can indubitably do ‘big’, with a rich, powerful and well-defined bass, their main characteristics is subtlety, whether with the finer details of voices or the way in which they reveal the recorded acoustic."

"They slam, they deliver the rush of a full orchestra, they let you hear each breath a singer takes and, above all, they’re special."

"Verdict: The new Jamos are as accomplished as they are daring, with a sound that more than lives up to their price: lovely!"

R 909
Jun 2006
“In short, this is a speaker with personality. What you get here is an enormous sense of scale, far exceeding conventional speakers, even big ones like B&W´s larger 800 Series models. And yet somehow Jamo has conspired to deliver this scale without any obvious sins of overhang or “boom”. The sense of drama, of the physical presence of musical performers right there in the listening room, appears to be intrinsic, where more conventional speakers with a similar balance often sound overblown.”

“From one point of view, the big easy and relaxed sound of this speaker is one of its greatest strengths, especially as it is achieved without loss of detail, and without sounding “blowsy” or out of control. And this is exactly what the R 909 does achieve. Sure, it is perceptibly warm, but the bass is unusually tuneful and well proportioned in its own right. Orchestral entries are well timed, with the kind of balance and weight you might well be looking for when seated, say, one third to one half of the way to the back of many concert halls; the kind of balance that allows a rich, yet complex sound from the cellos and double basses.”

An individual take on the high-end loudspeaker, the R 909 is relatively easy to integrate into real world systems and rooms, and its proportions look just right (not a given at this end of the market), the shallow depth being especially striking.”

Editor’s choice
Overall score: 89%.

R909也许从技术到理念到成品都是革命性的,这真实的反映了JAMO的音箱研发能力。该箱好象没见到过听音报告,也不知用何功放及CD机进行搭配,网上报价17W吧.平心而论"EISA"、“WHAT HI-FI?”、“HI-FI CHOICE”所同时推荐的最佳产品即使不是妙到毫颠,但也绝非垃圾可论的,更何况《HI-FI CHOICE》的编辑有超过89%选择了JAMO R909,这到从另一个角度反映了市场JAMO大众产品的平民化定位和盈利目的。期待听音报告和搭配。
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