自从Eric Clapton开了那场轰动的unplugged演唱会以后,unplugged就成了一时的时尚,在欧美90年代风行一时人人效仿,所谓unplugged,也就是少用或者根本不用电声乐器,有趣的是很多歌星发现自己的unplugged歌曲似乎比原曲还受欢迎,大概这也反映了民众反璞归真的听感要求.毕竟在摇滚的早期,歌曲基本都是unplugged的.
1. Every Breath You Take Sting
2. Wicked Game Chris Isaak
3. Zombie Cranberries
4. Imitation of Life R.E.M.
5. Layla Eric Clapton
6. Four Seasons in One Day Crowded House
7. Cornflake Girl Tori Amos
8. Have I Told You Latrly (That I Love You) Rod Stewart
9. Like a Rolling Stone Bob Dylan
10. Human Behaviour Bjork
11. Crazy Seal
12. Beds Are Burning Midnight Oil -
13. Run, Baby, Run Sheryl Crow
14. I'm Ready Bryan Adams
15. In the Air Tonight Phil Collins
16. Don't Let the Sun Go Down on Me Elton John