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一个时代的终结 TAHRA公司宣布关闭 [复制链接]

[url=]It is with great sadness that I must announce the unexpected and sudden death of my partner in life René Trémine, who was the creator and co-founder of Tahra. René Trémine was a born music lover, and this love came initially from listening to the organ. He then trained himself by tirelessly listening to music, exerting his immense appetite for reading and never ending research work that endured throughout his life. He was one of the earliest active members of the French Furtwängler Society, for which he made a richly illustrated monograph on Furtwängler’s activity in France. Tahra was born in 1993; and step by step, it came to be known for its historic recordings dedicated to conductors and other performers who had been slightly ignored by the great labels, like Hermann Scherchen, Hermann Abendroth and many others. We did have some difficult moments, but also moments of sheer joy, and our work was appreciated. However, Tahra cannot survive without René. We still have many projects, but a few months ago we had prepared a possible last Tahra CD in which we wanted to tell our story. I have programmed this CD as a last homage to René and want to thank all those men and women who have so generously helped and sustained us through these years. René will continue to live through the Tahra CDs and his research work. Tahra’s last CD, Tahra Story Tah 768, will come out in April. The booklet tells our lovely story, and the CD itself is dedicated to our very first conductors: Hermann Scherchen, Hermann Abendroth and Wilhelm Furtwängler. Myriam Scherchen[/url]

创始人意外死亡 公司宣布终结业务。22年的出版生涯,超过700张发行。家里没有一张tahra的唱片都不好意思说自己是古典发烧友。现在一切结束了。
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