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美国Stereophile杂志2012年度推荐器材榜单 Hanss T-30 [复制链接]


Hanns T-30: $5200
Made in Hong Kong, the Hanns T-30 is a two-speed, belt-driven turntable with two AC synchronous motors, two tonearm mounts, an outboard power supply, and a massive platter. To dissipate unwanted vibrations, the Hanns plinth is a sandwich of thin aluminum plates and thick acrylic sheets supported by three sturdy support modules, each incorporating an assembly of powerful rare-earth magnets and a rounded metal foot. “Supremely immune to footfalls,” the T-30 produced a “consistently big sound” with “exceptional bass weight” and a good sense of momentum, but lacked the clarity and timing of AD’s reference Thorens TD-124 Mk.II. “Not quite a shoo-in, but very much worth a close look and listen,"decided Art(Vol33N0.2 Read Review online)
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