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just beats by dre---Living small ③ [复制链接]

The day before yesterday . ,[url=http://thebestbrand.co.uk/forum/index.php?topic=13545.msg17576#msg17576]beats by dre pro---Blue fluttering , Italy, goodbye ![/url],[url=http://www.beatsdrdreheadphonessale.com]just beats by dre[/url]
again at a friend 's wedding .
another friend's house to get away went to him and his wife saw the marriage DV.
where they are most happy looking at DV . The most sacred . The most memorable period of time.
full of blessings and moved.

very grand wedding .
candlelight . Light . . .
princess wedding dress . Carrying angel wings . Slowly walked to the Prince 's direction .
Prince slowly rising from the elevator in the singing  to meet his princess .
concert scene like it .
Huhu .
in a snippet .
watching his beloved princess for the prince to wear the glass slipper that moment .
Princess 's face filled with unprecedented smile . That smile is a happy excitement .
I was deeply impressed .
could not help but flow from the tears .
is moved. Envy . Or what . . .
when I can put my glass slipper belongs to it . . .

bless them ,[url=http://kibitzer.site88.net/viewthread.php?tid=13407&extra=]monster headphones---Horrible ... I believed in evil , but in addition to an ans[/url],[url=http://www.beats-bydrdrestudio.com]Beats by dre pro[/url],[url=http://ask.chinaauto.com.cn/question.php?qid=25500]Dr Dre Headphones---Cause of fever in children[/url], my friends .
you would like to tie the knot . Life together. . .

transfer Ang .

uh. . .
today. Even start a new life.
first official work.
will be bitter. But it is tempered person.
pressure Ang . . .
regardless of where point of view .
This is not working for me.
fact .
I am a Burmese .
strangers will not have too many words. Or . Do not know how to communicate .
and my work . Is required to take the initiative to deal with different strangers .
to convince them. Signing . The card .
hey ~ God that. Save me . . .
good choice . . .
friends wish me good luck ...

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