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出美国Luminous Prestige II 参考喇叭线 [复制链接]

Luminous 的 PrestigeII喇叭线,仅使用1个多月,几乎全新,升级线材故出,2.5米,此
线已加避震网。 有兴趣可跟帖或PM
美国著名线材商Luminous Audio technology 的产品PRESTIGE II 喇叭线,声音厚,中频

The science of cable design (sometimes referred to as an art) is an engineered  
balance between several well-understood and quantifiable parameters. PRESTIGE  
II Speaker Cable is the culmination of a meticulous design process which is  
focused on providing unprecedented value, quality and performance.

PRESTIGE II Speaker Cable uses solid core technology implemented by arranging  
eight individually insulated 20 gauge, high purity OFHC, copper conductors in  
an isolated/twin-ax array around a central polypropylene and air dielectric  
core. The spacing between each adjacent conductor is critically maintained  
during the manufacturing process thereby reducing magnetic interferences  
between conductors. The finished array is then bound and jacketed in dark gray  
metallic PVC.

PRESTIGE II cable can be terminated in a bi-wire configuration easily upon  
request. Simply double the cost of the wire and termination.

PRESTIGE II Speaker Cable is a unique design which will reward the listener  
with exceptional fidelity and value. If your interest in music is best served  
by faithful reproduction of the source, Luminous Audio Technology’s PRESTIGE  
II Speaker Cable was designed for you

最后编辑kiang 最后编辑于 2008-07-08 09:59:12
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