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Kaplan是个南郭先生 [复制链接]

http://davidfinlayson.typepad.co ... gilbert-kaplan.html

A chapone day decided he'd like to play with an orchestra, but as he didn'tread music or play a musical instrument, he didn't hold out too muchhope. Despite this, he still approached his town orchestra for a chanceto join in. After explaining his lack of ability, the orchestrasecretary said "oh don't worry about that, we'll just give you a coupleof sticks and you can stand at the back." Still worried, the chap said"but what if I'm no good?" The secretary said "no problem... if that'sthe case, we'll give you one stick and you can stand at the front!"Please don't repeat this story to your percussionists, they may lose their sense of humour.  I know this from experience!
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