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最受欢迎的新一代巴洛克小提琴作品演奏家Rachel Podger [复制链接]

PODGER RACHEL - violinRachel Podger J.S. Bach Partitas & Sonatas for Violin Solo vol.1BACH, Johann Sebastian
PODGER RACHEL - violinJ.S. Bach: Sonatas and partitas for violin solo, vol. 2. Rachel Podger, baroque violin BACH, Johann Sebastian
PODGER RACHEL - violin / PINNOCK, TREVOR - harpsichord J.S. Bach, The Complete Sonatas for Violin and Obbligato HarpsichordBACH, Johann Sebastian
PODGER RACHELTwelve Fantasies for Solo Violin 1735TELEMANN, Georg Philipp
SACD/hybrid- stereo, 5.0 multichannel / pcm stereo
PINNOCK, TREVOR, PODGER RACHELPieces de Clavecin en ConcertsRAMEAU, Jean Philippe
SACD/hybrid- stereo, 5.0 multichannel / pcm stereo
PODGER RACHELLa Stravaganza /12 Violin Concertos VIVALDI, Antonio
PODGER RACHEL, ARTE DEI SUONATORILa Stravaganza /12 Violin Concertos VIVALDI, Antonio
SACD/hybrid- stereo, 5.0 multichannel / pcm stereo
PODGER RACHEL, GARY COOPERMozart Sonatas for fortepiano and violin vol. 1MOZART, Wolfgang Amadeus
SACD/hybrid- stereo, 5.0 multichannel / pcm stereo
PODGER RACHEL / COOPER, GARYMozart Sonatas for fortepiano and violin vol. 2MOZART, Wolfgang Amadeus
SACD/hybrid- stereo, 5.0 multichannel / pcm stereo
PODGER RACHEL / COOPER, GARYMozart complete sonatas for Keyboard and Violin volume 3 with catalogueMOZART, Wolfgang Amadeus
SACD/hybrid- stereo, 5.0 multichannel / pcm stereo
PODGER RACHEL, COOPER, GARYMozart complete sonatas for Keyboard and Violin volume 4MOZART, Wolfgang Amadeus
SACD/hybrid- stereo, 5.0 multichannel / pcm stereo
PODGER RACHEL, COOPER,GARYMozart complete sonatas for Keyboard and Violin volume 5MOZART, Wolfgang Amadeus
SACD/hybrid- stereo, 5.0 multichannel / pcm stereo
PODGER RACHEL, GARY COOPERMozart complete sonatas for Keyboard and Violin volume 6MOZART, Wolfgang Amadeus

Rachel Podger

One of the most creative talents to emerge in the field of period performance over the last decade, Rachel Podger has established herself as a leading interpreter of the music of the Baroque and Classical periods. She was educated in Germany and in England at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama where she studied with David Takeno and Michaela Comberti. After beginnings with The Palladian Ensemble and Florilegium – both groups she helped create - she was leader of The English Concert from 1997 to 2002 and toured throughout the world, often as concerto soloist. In 2004 Rachel began a guest directorship with The Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment, opening with concerts of Bach’s Brandenburg Concertos in the USA. Rachel is in demand as a guest director and has enjoyed collaborations with Arte dei Suonatori (Poland), Musica Angelica (USA), Santa Fe Pro Musica (USA), The Academy of Ancient Music and The European Union Baroque Orchestra. As a recitalist Rachel enjoys a busy career; she gives solo concerts across the globe, notably in North America, Western Europe, Korea and Japan. Rachel’s first solo recordings (Channel Classics Records), of J.S. Bach’s Sonatas and Partitas, were released in 1999 to great critical acclaim. These discs were followed by Bach’s Sonatas for Violin and Harpsichord with Trevor Pinnock. Both recordings were awarded first place by the BBC’s ‘Building a Library’ programme. Rachel’s recording of Telemann’s Twelve Fantasies for Solo Violin won the prestigious Diapason d’Or and was listed in the BBC Music Magazine’s ‘top 20’ classical CDs of 2002. Her Channel Classics’s 2003 recording of Vivaldi’s 12 violin concertos ‘La Stravaganza’ also received the Diapason d’Or and was awarded the 2003 Gramophone Award for Best Baroque Instrumental recording. In 2004 she embarked on a recording of the complete Mozart Sonatas with fortepianist Gary Cooper and Volumes 1 and 2 have already enjoyed critical acclaim including a Gramophone ‘Editor’s Choice’ and a Diapason d’Or. Teaching forms a significant part of Rachel’s musical life; as an accompaniment to her role as Professor of Baroque Violin at The Guildhall School of Music and Drama in London, she regularly incorporates masterclasses into her busy concert schedule. She is a Fellow of the Guildhall School of Music and Drama. Rachel Podger is an Honorary Member of the Royal Academy of Music. It is limited to 200-odd people and is one of the most ‘exclusive’ and ancient musical fellowships in the world. Mendelssohn, Liszt and Stravinsky treasured theirs and so do Rattle, Boulez, Dohynanyi, Masur, Colin Davis and Mackerras.

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www.channelclassics.com (试听300多款录音片段)
http://shop34588457.taobao.com/ (网上购买)

回复 2# shinelb 的帖子

同意你的看法。我还是喜欢把巴赫的音乐演奏得带有几分浪漫和富有人性化。梅纽因、谢林、克莱默(特别有意思,表面怪,但是很迷人,就如他与哈农库特合作演奏的莫扎特协奏曲一样)。中国小提琴家黄滨和陈响演奏的我也很喜欢。不可思议的是海匪茨和里齐的演奏,我非常不喜欢,感觉既不是巴赫音乐风格界定的巴赫,也没有如克莱默那样另类可是有新意和说服力的演绎。音乐,从演绎到欣赏看来确实是仁者见仁智者见智。channel classics的早先PCM普通数码录音中有很多不错。DSD录音,有时候录音师过多强调音乐厅效果,让录音有点缺乏质感(麦克风离演奏者远了,目的是为了捕捉更多的泛音),我曾经多次给他提过这个问题,我说泛音是建立在基音上的,不能只有肉没有骨头,特别是针对中国乐迷和中国音响发烧友。我让他听了XRCD和雨果的LPCD,我说这才是 多数中国音乐音响爱好者喜欢的声音。希望他有一天能听进去。相比之下,Pentatone的录音就集合了原先飞力普唱片公司的柔美和温暖同时又不失Decca公司的动态效果,甚至有时像RR公司的录音。Channel Classics的录音师在音乐上很能听音乐家和他人的意见,录音上历来是固执己见,所以遇到知音就喜欢他的录音,遇不到,他就只能孤芳自赏了。日本和韩国的古典音乐爱好者倒是非常喜欢该录音师的DSD录音的SACD。我喜欢的是该公司这些看来名气不大,水平却很高的学者型音乐家,特别是在巴洛克和早期音乐方面。喜欢大家多提议见,我一定转告。
www.channelclassics.com (试听300多款录音片段)
http://shop34588457.taobao.com/ (网上购买)
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