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SuperTNT 的神话传说 [复制链接]

Mine is the 845W manufactured in the early 2000s by Super TNT, sadly defunct. I'd love to find another pair, new or used.

My experience with 845s has been odd. The cheaper they are, the longer they last. My dead or dying ones include the 845T, 845TII, the so-called WE (Western Electric) -- 3 of these went to 845 heaven in short order -- 845MG (betcha never heard of that one) and some I've forgotten. The KRs and Elrogs don't interest me, from what I've read of their longevity.

The 845B tubes from Kevin Deal (Upscale Audio) tend to last a long time in my experience. Never had one die on me. Trouble is, they don't sound that great, though certainly passable. I'm sure the old US made 845s can be great, but who can afford them?

Anyway, got any ideas or suggestions? My pair of 845Ws is going on 10 years of service. These are in a great-sounding 3-tube monoblock pair of amps designed and built by a friend 20 years ago. TIA



客户这对SuperTNT 845W服务了10年


I currently have quite a few pair of 845. In order of preference:

1. 1941 RCA 845.

2. 1959 United 845W with the JAN-CUE designation and with the getter capsule

These two are the best. To my ears, I like the RCA a touch better than the United, but often swap back and forth with various other 845.

3a. SuperTnT metal plate 845W "Nobleman"

These are my daily use tubes which were produced in very limited numbers and no longer made. These are the only high dissipation metal plate tubes produced. Very detailed, with extended highs. Bass extension almost as good the RCA and United.

3b. Psvane 845 WE Replicas

Very nice tubes and do everything well without any noticeable short comings. Very reliable and well built

4 Shuguang 845C

Very sweet sound metal plate but does not conform the RCA specification standard. This tube is a 65-70w dissipation. Most 845 amps will burn this tube up.

5. 1972 Centron 845W JAN

Very rugged tube with excellent build quality. Not sure if it is still produced. I purchased mine direct from Richardson Electronics about 7-8 years ago.

6. Shuguang 845B, Psvane 845 T and TII series

Great all round tube. Can’t be beat for the price

7. Shuguang 845

The tube that typically comes standard with current production amplifiers. They last a long time and sound pretty good

Elrog - very interesting design. I would be interested in trying a pair to try out but they have had huge reliability problems which I've heard have been addressed, although I have not read any collaborating reports.

I no longer seek out United and vintage RCA due to their very high asking prices, but value is purely subjective. Half the fun of these tubes is hunting down a pair for a fair value which has become almost impossible. My vintage 845 tubes are the only pieces of audio equipment that has actually appreciated in value.

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