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巴赫的托卡塔与赋格~有高人懂古乐的吗? [复制链接]

巴赫的托卡塔与赋格~有高人帮忙介绍下这张吗  这和巴赫的那7首著名的

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The Toccata and Fugue in D minor, BWV 565, is a piece of organ music written by Johann Sebastian Bach sometime between 1703 and 1707. Its authorship and instrumentation are controversial, as some scholars have argued that it was originally written for violin by a different composer. It is one of the most famous works in the organ repertoire, and has been used in a variety of popular media ranging from film and video games to rock music.Despite the accepted title of the piece (which most likely did not come from Bach himself), the Toccata and Fugue is scored in D dorian. However, because of the addition of B-flat accidentals throughout the piece, and because of the relative disappearance of modal key signatures in the modern tonal system, the piece is effectively in D minor. It begins with a single-voice flourish in the upper ranges of the keyboard, doubled at the octave. It then spirals toward the bottom, where a diminished seventh chord appears, built one note at a time. This resolves into a D major chord, taken from the parallel major mode.
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