美国JPS,这是是一个实力雄厚,作风低调,技术实力非常雄厚的线材厂家。 其产品线不是很多,但是以其性能优越,价格合理,赢得全世界烧友和业界的一致赞誉。业界一致认为JPS是一个实而不华,踏实务实的公司。JPS全系列线材,以厂家独自开发的专利合金材料为主,产品声音基本特点通透鲜活,圆润流畅,晶莹剔透,自然平衡为其基本特点,非常的自然百搭。
PAC Black是Power AC+的改进新款,轻而易举地允许超过200安培的瞬间电流以及超过50安培的持续电流。就原始导体的尺寸而言,这是世界最大号的电源线之一。它可以提升动态,低频的细节与重量感,系统的背景安静到最高等级。主要适用于后级和大功率合并机。
PAC Lite这条电源线被设计即可用于功放与接收器的大电流需要,又可以用于低电流设备比如前级以及其他模拟设备。提供更安静的背景,更好的动态,更好的解析力。
PAC Silver is a large flexible shielded AC cord designed to be highly universal for both low power and higher power high-performance audio components. This 10 AWG cord made of very fine alloy conductors provides nice clarity, fast bass attack, and improved resolution without ever going bright. Heavy duty connectors have a tight low resistance fit for long-term performance. Overall an excellent mid-level AC cord.(最新款电源线,用于各环节)
THE DIGITAL AC -X is an excellent cable for any digital based component, creating a smoother, more "analog environment" for audio and video. Uniquely engineered specifically for the elimination of digital based noise, it very effectively eliminates what we call digititis, the harshness and background noise present and very difficult to remove in all digital sources. Most all devices that plug into a wall outlet act as noise sources creating an invisible shower of high frequency energy causing sophisticated electronics to error and perform well below their capabilities. Even the finest audio and video component's generate noise, limiting themselves of fine detail and resolution.
Using advanced engineering, THE DIGITAL AC-X effectively ISOLATES and ABSORBS any noise within the cord itself for over a 100 fold decrease, allowing any quality digital component to provide amazingly real inner detail and resolution while offering smoother sound and video. THE DIGITAL AC-X is a proven universal winner for nearly 20 years. It's forward thinking design offers universal improvement on any quality digital based lower power equipment including CD, Blu-Ray, SACD, or DVD player, DAC, transport, or computer server (receivers must have the larger Power AC, Kaptovator, or Aluminata AC cables). It also allows for a more lifelike picture when used with a projector, DVD player, flat screen TV's, or any other digital based quality video component which will accept a detachable IEC style AC cord.
THE DIGITAL AC-X will also keep other components clean on the same circuit, and when used on a computer or music server will contain all of that processor noise within the cord.
Any digital audio component will respond with greater resolution and a more 'human' output to your ears or eyes. THE DIGITAL AC-X is the most significant improvement that can be made to the origin of your signal.
数字电源线采用独特的屏蔽方式,消除系统的各种干扰和辐射,提升系统的宁静度和三维音场感,是该线的最重要的设计目标。 其整体效果纯净自然,鲜活异常,音场宽阔而深邃。
THE ANALOG AC cord is designed for the needs of low level, low power, analog style components such as solid state preamps or more resolving tube preamps (for older more laid back tube preamps consider PAC Black or Kaptovator AC cords), phono stages and phono motor drives, tuners, electrostatic loudspeaker power supplies, basically any analog or non-amplified component (integrated amps should use The PAC Black) that could potentially benefit from noise absorption and isolation for completely quiet backgrounds.
THE ANALOG AC is highly effective in allowing you to hear the inner detail and resolution your system is capable of providing by greatly reducing its noise floor underneath which the real music is hidden, and can greatly reduce any existing edge or grain in the music caused by such noise mixing with the original audio signal.
JPS Duplex Wall outletJPS provides high quality duplex receptacles for the finest connection to your high quality AC cords! Hospital grade, ground isolating with high-tension polished nickel plated contacts for long term minimal power loss and resistance. These very high quality outlets simply allow for an excellent connection at the wall with a tight grip on your wall plugs. Rated at up to 20 amps, they offer an excellent long-term interface for your AC cords. These outlets will also accept our Power AC In-wall cable above, and provide 4 pairs of rear pockets each with a screw tightened clamping mechanism for the best possible connection to your wiring.