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问下这碟用来煲机合适不?? [复制链接]


Ayre Acoustics
Irrational, But Efficacious! (不可理喻的,但灵验的!)
    -System Enhancement Disc

This disc is designed to enhance the listening enjoyment of your audio system.
The main tool is a five minute glide tone, that when played through your system at a moderately low listening volume, will improve its sound. While we don't have conclusive proof of the mechanism involved, we suspect that it functions by demagnetizing residual fields that build up in your components over time. We recommend playing this track on a periodic basis, from perhaps once a week to once a month. This track is at the end of the disc so that it can be easily played even if the system is unattended. The other tracks have more specialized functions.

The tracks on this disc were created digitally with 88.2 kHz, 32-bit resolution. Enhanced resolution transfer to the 44.1 kHz, 16-bit CD format was performed using 0.5 bits of dither with a triangular probability distribution function for maximum fidelity.

可到此网页查看 http://www.ayre.com/accessories.cfm?accessID=1



        01. Short Glide Tone -  1:00  
        02. White Noise -  3:00  
        03. Pink Noise -  2:59  
        04. Brown Noise -  3:00  
        05. Mono Brown Noise -  1:00  
        06. Out-of-Phase Brown Noise -  3:00  
        07. Full Glide Tone -  5:00

01 短时间的频率滑行
02 白噪声
03 粉红噪声
04 褐色噪声
05 单声道褐色噪声
06 反相褐色噪声
07 长时间的频率滑行
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