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永恒的经典参考级功放MARK LEVINSON 33H [复制链接]

美国权威HI-END杂志: Stereophile 1998年1月.

我相信即使到2008年NO.33H仍然是CLASS A极品参考级晶体管功放! 不要被MARK LEVINSON 标的1"50瓦@8 欧" 所迷惑, 33H相当于2/3个NO.33.它可以轻松搞顶任何喇叭.这150瓦绝对不是日本AV机上的150瓦的概念. 每个单声道的33H 共有4个60,000µF 巨型电容.对比350瓦@8欧 的MARK LEVINSON的436单声到机总共才有80,000µF . 可以轻松搞定B&W 802的
PROCEED HPA2才28,000µF.

Mark Levinson No.33H monoblock power amplifier

Wes Phillips, January, 1998

Chances are you've never seen an amplifier quite like the Mark Levinson No.33H. That's because there's only one other amp that's anything like it: the Mark Levinson No.33, upon which it's based. Both amps are more tall than broad, looking almost as though they're resting on their ends; heatsinks cluster around their side-panels. In the city of the High End, the No.33 and No.33H are skyscrapers standing tall above the warehouses.
When Madrigal first unveiled the No.33, they were drawing a line in the sand. "This is everything we know about building amplifiers," they said. But they weren't prepared for the public's response to their No.33 Reference statement—at $33,000/pair, they figured they'd sell a few a month, but that there could never be that much demand for a heavy (well over 200 lbs), massive, 300Wpc monoblock. They were wrong. "The response was overwhelming," said Jon Herron, head of product development at Madrigal.

C'mon, Jon—"overwhelming"?

"We often had to carry No.33 back-orders from one month to the next. The labor involved in building each amplifier is prodigious, and the space necessary for all of the major subassemblies during the final assembly and testing is enormous. We are therefore limited to building a maximum of between 10 and 15 pairs of these amplifiers per month. We do have other products to build."

Realizing that many audiophiles didn't need all the power offered by the No.33, Madrigal set out to design a half-powered version, the No.33H, which puts out 150W into 8 ohms (the power successively doubling into 4 ohms, 2 ohms, and 1 ohm). But, Madrigal is quick to point out, although the No.33H is based on the No.33, it is not a Reference product. Just as on Highlander—there can only be one.

High power
Make no mistake, the No.33H doesn't look—or act—like a scaled-down anything. It's huge (11" W by 18.5" H by 22.88" D) and heavy (175 lbs each). And when Madrigal lists its output power, they add an ominous-sounding "assuming the wall outlet is up to the task of supplying all that power." Wow.

Let me put the '33H's stupefying power capabilities in perspective: Each monoblock employs four 60,000µF capacitors, for a total of over ¼ Farad of capacitance. (By contrast, the 200Wpc No.332 uses a pair of 50,000µF capacitors per channel.)

In fact, the power supply of the '33H is a good place to start examining the amp. It uses two independent, bipolar power supplies in order to maintain the fully balanced nature of the amp from input to output. These come off a single, Madrigal-designed 3.417kVA transformer, utilizing multiple taps to maintain the symmetry of the two bipolar supplies. (Madrigal points out that the transformer VA output of the '33H is 70% of that for the No.33 because the voltage swing at half-power is actually 70% of that found in the '33.)

While the No.33 uses two 2.5kVA transformers, that's a matter of practicality, not necessity. Since the '33H is a monophonic amplifier, symmetry for the inverting and noninverting sides of the same signal is assured.

The '33H also employs an AC regeneration system for the input and driver stages. This drains off a portion of the ± DC power from the main supply, powering an oscillator circuit that generates pure-sinewave AC. This uncontaminated AC is rectified, filtered, and regulated. You could say the heart of the amplifier is a mini power station designed to deliver AC of uncompromised purity.

Incoming signal from the preamplifier is received using proprietary topology—again developed for the No.33—that eliminates the standard feedback point on the inverting leg of the first-stage differential amplifier. This means the two sides are truly balanced from the start. Each leg of the signal is handled differentially. The two balanced voltage-gain stages, running side by side, are essentially "double"-balanced. Even single-ended inputs are converted to balanced in the first voltage gain stage, and are run "double"-balanced in the second.

In the third voltage-gain stage, the signals are converted to a pair of SE signals of equal amplitude and opposite polarity (balanced, as we know it). Each of these signals then moves on to its current gain stage.
Forty output devices (two sets of 10 complementary pairs) are used in the output stage. This means the output terminals do not reference ground at all.

Like its big brother and the rest of the 300 series amplifiers, the No.33H is equipped with Madrigal's Adaptive Biasing system. This maintains a state of equilibrium by referencing both the instantaneous voltage and the current required by the load to constantly determine the optimal bias. Madrigal insists that this maintains a state of equilibrium in which the bias is maintained "continuously and naturally," but that it does not "react"—any more than a resistor "reacts" to a higher voltage by "deciding" to conduct more current. "The one fact inevitably leads to the other," they claim.

High praise
There are those who claim there can be no audible differences between any two competently designed power amplifiers not driven to clipping. For them, the very idea of a $20,000 pair of monoblocks must seem absolutely ridiculous. All I can say is that they should steer clear of the Mark Levinson No.33H, or else risk having their tidy little hypotheses shattered into tiny little pieces.

Because the amazing thing about the 'H isn't that it sounds better than any other amplifier I've ever heard, but that it doesn't sound like any amplifier at all. It sounds like no amplifier. It sounds as much like music itself as anything can that must rely on recordings. So you'll have to forgive me if I come up a bit short in describing what it "sounds" like. (If you think that's too much like some kind of Zen parable, I have to agree—reluctantly, since most of the ones I know end up with the Master giving the disciple a whopping great whack.)

But I'm sure you see my predicament here. If I go on at length about how great the '33H "sounds," I'm forced to admit that it has a sound—which negates my argument that it is the most realistic amplification device I've ever heard. But if I claim that all of this is so subtle as to defy description, and mutter "You just have to hear it for yourself," I'll be rightly reviled as being just too wussy for words. Sigh.

For me, one of the elements that distinguishes live from recorded music is that live music is not constrained. Take Phil Myers, the first-chair horn for the New York Philharmonic Orchestra: Phil is loud. I want to claim that he's so loud that we heard him in New York back when he was playing in Pittsburgh, but that would be a lie. We did, however, hear about him from all the New York players who were gigging in Pittsburgh—"Man, they've got a horn player who blows so hard that if he didn't have his hand shoved up the bell, it would straighten out like a party streamer," one trombonist told me. Of course, Phil is a consummate musician on many levels—he didn't get to be first chair in the NYPO simply by drowning out the competition—but any description of Phil's technique is incomplete if it doesn't mention how hard he plays.

For many years I reveled in Phil's power and clarity—I'd frequently choose to go to concerts simply because the program offered some choice first-chair horn licks. I always knew Phil would deliver. No matter how loud the NYPO, Phil could cut through it like a sword through silk. But recordings seldom possess this kind of limitless dynamic potential. Sometimes you can even identify the precise point at which everything refuses to get louder—to get liver. [live-er?] I never ran into this with the No.33Hs.

Actually, that's not entirely true. Sometimes the microphones used to record the event are the limiting factor, and sometimes, of course, the mastering may be the cause—but in all my listening to the '33Hs, the problem was never the amplifier.

Another distinction between live music and reproduced music lies in how different pitches seem to possess different velocities. You must have heard recordings where the string and woodwind overtones seem to float effortlessly, whereas the lower brass and basses seem to plonk down onto the soundstage and lie there. I sure have. In reality, we all know that tones lack any kind of specific gravity. The sounds emanating from a string bass weigh no more than those escaping from a piccolo, and they float just as gracefully upon the air. But that's not how many systems, and many amplifiers, reproduce them. Through the '33Hs, all music remained as graceful and as free as its most ephemeral components.

This doesn't mean, I hasten to point out, that bass tones lacked power, heft, or impact. That was all there in spades. In fact, you may have never heard how deep and muscular your speakers can sound until they've been taken control of by the No.33H. And swing? Lordy, if you want to become a dancin' fool, just slap something rhythmic onto your front end—just don't blame me if you boogie 'til you puke.

If you wish to check off your favorite attributes, I can oblige. Soundstaging through the '33Hs was phenomenal—deep, detailed, holographic. Tonal balance was natural, and possessed purity and clarity galore. Low-level detail never leapt out at me, but existed naturally within the musical gestalt—but it was never obscured either. There's more, of course, but paradoxically the No.33H exists on a plane where the news isn't about more, it's about less.

It had no grain, no grit, no electronic character that I could detect. It had no "warmth." Neither did it add any chilly sense of "accuracy." It had no MOSFET blur, no transistor etch, no tubey euphony. No heightened sense of illumination into the event. It was practically nonexistent—except that it did what it did better than anything else I've ever heard.

High Society
This, of course, forces the question: How do the Mark Levinson No.33H monoblocks compare to the Krell Full Power Balanced 600, Stereophile's joint Amplification Product of the Year for 1997? After all, Martin Colloms went so far in his review last April as to claim that the Krell so rewrote the book on amplification as to require a total reexamination of Class A power amplifiers in Stereophile's "Recommended Components." I'm not sure I'd go that far, but Martin is essentially correct: Compared to the Krell, almost everything else sounds broken.
Directly comparing the FPB 600 and the No.33Hs proved a logistic nightmare. Both amps required extended warmup—ie, music playing through them for several days—before either reached its optimum. The upward climb was far shorter, of course, from powered standby. The problem stemmed from my house's wiring, which simply wasn't up to both amps sucking all that current through the same circuit. (That's it—my New Year's resolution for 1998 is to rewire the house with beefy audio-only circuits.) So my comparisons are not direct A/Bs of specific passages, but are the results of longer listening sessions separated by the requisite warmup periods. Flawed? Yes, but the best I could do under the circumstances.

The differences between the amplifiers were subtle, very subtle. Both were essentially not there in terms of having an effect upon the music. And, while each was capable of kicking some major audio booty, the most impressive thing was that neither sounded like a big amp during the quiet passages. Both were delicate and graceful.

However, the Levinsons seemed to present low-level detail with less "light-against-black" spotlighting than did the Krell. Audiophiles frequently speak of silence as the "blackness" against which sounds are highlighted, but I think that most sounds appearing from silence are far less dramatic than that. In a sense, then, I'm calling the Levinson more natural-sounding for its lack of "added" drama—and I have to put "added" in quotes because that might be merely my preference. Another listener could as easily call the No.33H "duller," and laud the Krell for its ability to extract excitement.

Allied with that ability to portray low-level detail was a sense of natural ease; I found the Levinson ever-so-slightly more transparent in the midbass and low bass. This is the quality I alluded to earlier when I praised its ability to "float" low tones in the same manner as the highs. While the Krell has superb transparency down to its low midbass, it tends to favor muscle over subtlety in the deepest regions. Yet that seems too harsh a criticism of the FPB 600: it takes charge of the bottom end in a way few other amps ever have, while remaining very attuned to the musical moment.

As did the No.33H. I compared the two amplifiers using the first movement of the Masur/NYP Mahler 9 (Teldec 90882-2), recorded live in Avery Fisher Hall in April 1994 and chosen because of my familiarity with both hall and musicians. The Andante comodo begins extremely quietly, with a three-note syncopated rhythm in the cellos and horn (Myers again, sounding forth brassily). This must have had a deep meaning for Mahler—at the movement's climax he brings it back marked fff, hûchste Kraft ("with the utmost force"). Mahler's friend, Alban Berg, called the riff "Death itself." God knows, it's forceful enough to qualify for such a frightening description.

Both amps handled the climax with ease. Both did superb jobs of conveying the emotion implicit in the intense wash of sound. But I felt the Levinson's clarity in the bass allowed me to hear the NYP double basses as distinct entities separate from, but still members of, the ensemble. The Krells certainly conveyed their power as members of the whole orchestra, but through the Levinsons I felt as though I could actually make out Eugene Levinson, Jon Deak, et al as individual players surrounded by air and anchored to the floor of the hall I know so well, playing in unison among another 100-odd players—all blowing, bowing, and banging furiously.

Comparing the two best amplifiers I've ever heard to one another, I reckon one has to be better. But if I seem uncomfortable in proclaiming the Levinson to be better than the Krell, I am—until I heard the No.33H, I never would have guessed the FPB 600 had an equal. These two amps are so close in character that another listener could very easily call it the other way. I can't imagine anyone being less than satisfied with either. Yet to my ears, no matter how slightly, the No.33H sounded like the better amp.

High hopes
"Let music be without dissimulation" could be the prime directive of musical reproduction. If so, the Mark Levinson No.33H fulfills that commandment better than any other electronic component I've ever heard (and, of course, I've never heard the No.33s). You can't come any closer to the sound of "no amplifier" than a pair of these babies.

The '33H carries a price sticker that leaves me gasping—as much as I covet a pair, I know I'll never be able to afford them. They're also big, and can gulp down more power than many wall outlets can supply. But if you can afford them, I suggest you try them. If you can resist them, you have far more self- control than I pretend to.

Besides, you owe it to yourself to experience something this near perfection.
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在保证失真小于measured from 20Hz-20kH with less than 0.5% THD,情况下, NO.33H 可以保证连续供应强大马力随着阻抗的减小而呈现教科书班的增长, 300瓦@4欧, 600瓦@2欧,它可以在1欧下连续输出 1200瓦,这样的接近短路的极限下一般功放早已七窍生烟了一鸣呜呼了!

当然大水堂般的240000UF的电容量,对声音的控制力绝对高于336. 描绘再大的场面也轻松的从容不迫一气荷成


太旧以前了, 99年在美国一家HI-END代理那里.那是时后还不是很懂. 不过从对比过336和33H的人写的东西看, 336已经是非同一般了. 33H更是在3纬的深广大上,通透上,低级别的细节上,精细度上,音乐敢上(听起来象胆机)明显胜过336.就是听起音乐来更真实的广大的3D空间感,更多以前听不到的细节,多声音的密度空气感,音乐感等.

美国权威HI-END杂志: Stereophile 1998年1月.

我相信即使到2008年NO.33H仍然是CLASS A极品参考级晶体管功放! 不要被MARK LEVINSON 标的1"50瓦@8 欧" 所迷惑, 33H相当于2/3个NO.33.它可以轻松搞顶任何喇叭.这150瓦绝对不是日本AV机上的150瓦的概念. 每个单声道的33H 共有4个60,000µF 巨型电容.对比350瓦@8欧 的MARK LEVINSON的436单声到机总共才有80,000µF . 可以轻松搞定B&W 802的
PROCEED HPA2才28,000µF.




而NO.33是350@8欧,700瓦@4欧,1400瓦@2欧,2800瓦@1欧. 其实33H相当于2/3个 NO.33.  所以真正NO.33H的功率应该在200--250瓦@8欧.

Madrigal/Mark Glazier音響十問
作者:Mark Glazier/Madrigal總裁 譯者:劉漢盛

很感謝Mark Glazier以及認真回答以下十個問題的所有人們。我知道在他們繁忙的工作中,要靜下來好好回答這些問題十分不容易(我們去函的廠商中,很多只是禮貌性的簡短回答,因為對讀者無益,所以我們無法刊登)。也因為如此,我更感激他們為論壇讀者所提供的這些精闢見解。為了對他們表示敬意,我決定親自翻譯這些文章。也為了去除論壇十週年請國外廠商歌功頌德的誤解,我把文章前頭慶賀論壇十週年的文字通通刪去。在此一併向他們致歉。

一、 請向「音響論壇」的讀者介紹您以及您的公司。

Mark:懷著對高水準音樂重播的興趣以及想有機會對專業生產機構做出貢獻,我在1981年加入了Mark Levinson產品的生產工作。當時,這是一家從七○年代初期就開始生產Mark Levinson品牌的公司,由Sandy Berlin與Mark Levinson先生主持。Mark Levinson先生請來Sandy Berlin負責業務管理。公司的第一個十年成長快速,但也產生了運作上的困難。當時儘管Mark Levinson先生在提供產品設計概念上(雖然他不是電子工程師或設計師)有很大的貢獻,但是他仍然無法成功的管理公司的財務。

在七○年代末期,公司的財務問題已經危害到公司,Mark Levinson先生又從耶魯大學將Sandy Berlin(當時他是耶魯大學管理學院的研究員)請來幫助已陷入困境的公司。我就是因為這家公司所呈現的產品與管理迷人之處才加入的。我也想學到更多設計與生產機構所需的專業管理,而我相信從Sandy Berlin身上(他曾任過去JBL的總裁、Tannoy的主席,花了大半輩子在音響工業上)可以有機會學習到成功的High-End音響公司管理。當時我是公司的市場行銷副總裁。

1982年,我才進公司不久,公司越來越明顯的存在相當多的問題,而這些都不是Sandy Berlin、Mark Levinson先生與我所能解決的。這些問題壓垮了公司,也促成了公司在1984年末因為面臨破產而重組。公司員工決定公司要繼續維持下去,而少數的公司核心員工在1985年初買下了公司資產,並將公司改名Madrigal Audio Laboratories。

為什麼要用Madrigal(牧歌)這個名字呢?這當然有許多理由。不過事實上是因為牧歌乃文藝復興時的一種歌唱形式,相對於「一個人」而言,它是由「一個群體」所唱出來的。我們不再把自己定位於一個個分離的個體,而是比「個人」更有能力更有成就的團隊。即使Mark Levinson先生已經沒有涉入,Madrigal還是在所有的產品中繼續使用Mark Levinson這個品牌,因為我們珍視這個已經建立起來的品牌識別。

從1985年那些充滿挑戰的日子以來,Madrigal已經成長為美國High-End音響領域內的最大公司。我們藉著新型號的推出為公司取得很好的拓展,這包括我們投注大量心力在工程訓練以及人的投資上,這些人都有能力在我們的設計上注入新的元素。在1985年,公司第一次加入全職工程師。今天,我們的工程部門已經有21位工程師在為Mark Levinson與Proceed這二個品牌設計,包括足額的電子工程師、數位工程師、軟體工程師、機械工程師與工業設計工程師。也就是因為擁有這些工程師,我們才能夠在自己公司裡完成所有的產品,這與委託外面設計的公司形成對比,而委外設計在High-End音響公司中是很典型的作法。



二、 當初是什麼理由促使您進入High-End音響工業?

Mark:我會進入High-End音樂再生工業可以說肇因於對音樂以及再生技術的高度興趣,對於年輕男孩而言,那是我第一個收穫。當我五歲時,雙親購買了一部H.H Scott的綜合擴大機、Jensen喇叭與Glaser Steers唱盤,那是我的第一套音響系統。我父母的音樂口味包括古典、電影音樂以及一些Harry Belafonte的音樂。我為音樂以及這些器材如何動作的奧秘著迷,於是開始在地下室,花很多時間來燒銲製作收音機與喇叭的套件。這份興趣越來越濃,我全神貫注在我所能拿到的雜誌上,當時包括High Fidelity、Stereo Review與Audio。


原本我主修數學與科學,後來我決定在水牛城的紐約大學修心理音響學(Psychoacoustics)的學位。有空的時候我就在電影協會工作,在大學報紙上寫一個叫作「Sound Advice」的音響專欄,也在當地音響店打工兼差。當時是七○年代初期(譯註:他與我同年生:1953年),我在那裡接觸到B&W、Radford、SAE、Audio Research、ESS、Quad、Dayton-Wright、Stax、Phase Linear以及許多其他的廠牌。在那家店裡,我與Dan D'Agostino(Krell的老闆)一齊工作,當時他在店裡任銷售員。

在美國,能夠親炙到這種品質的音響是比較難得的,這更加添了我的興趣。我在加拿大多倫多遇見了全音域靜電喇叭Dayton-Wright的設計者Michael Wright,他給了我一個夏天工作的機會,讓我得到生產製造環境的經驗,那是我進入製造業的第一步。我在多倫多那個小工廠內住了一個夏天,做著各式各樣的工作,年輕與滿腔理想鼓動著我的熱情。一年後我大學畢業,回到了Dayton-Wright。我在那裡住了三年,主要就是製造全音域靜電喇叭,還有學習如何經營這種事業。那是我在製造業裡的第一個工作,我渴望持續學習更多。

1978年,我急於回到美國,去就任座落於於加州Sacramento的 Threshold公司職位。當時我負責市場行銷的工作,對於產品發展與公司組織越來越有興趣。

雖然當時是Threshold很強的時期,不過我越來越意識到我並沒有學習到我想要的東西,那是關於成功的企劃以及去組織生產製造各部門的事物。任職Threshold與Dayton-Wright的經歷在許多方面並沒有讓我得到經驗:我並沒有得到有關小而高品質的製造廠商,如何在充滿競爭的環境中存活與茁壯的經驗。這鼓動我想重新回到學校學習、或另外找到一個地方能夠讓我學習到這些事情。我在Threshold一直待到1981年我接受了Mark Levinson公司的職位為止。

三、 在過去那些年,有哪些設計者或產品對您產生強烈的影響?


我相信「音響論壇」的讀者們最有興趣的是,我們認為哪些產品是最佳的設計?而且影響我們更認真的去為更好的產品而奮鬥。在過去那些年中,電子類品包括Jeff Rowland與Accuphase,我們尊重他們在整體產品設計所致力者。儘管我們在主觀表現上的價值觀有所不同,我們仍然同意那些公司的有些設計很平衡,並帶給顧客很好的價值。不幸的是,絕大多數的High-End產品對用家而言缺乏真正長期而貨真價實的價值。還有在當今的市場上,對於顧及實用與長期使用方面顯得過時(過時的設計觀念)。

四、 在過去十年間,有哪些產品是您樂意給予現階段最高技藝成就(State of the Art)美譽的(包括貴公司自己的產品)?


Mark Levinson No.20/20.5/20.6參考級擴大機

Mark Levinson No.26S

Mark Levinson No.30/30.5數位參考系統

Mark Levinson No.33參考級擴大機
這是我們目前的參考後級,也是有Mark Levinson品牌以來最了不起的擴大機。這件產品集各方之大全:聲音的表現與設計的精細度以及工業設計方面。No.33H以它為基礎來設計,可以說排名第二。

Proceed PAV

Preceed AMP5

Jeff Rowland Mono Amplifiers

Snell and Wilcox Interpolator

B&W Nautilus


五、 身為一位High-End音響的設計者,您認為科技與音樂之間有什麼關連?

六、 當您在設計一件產品時,技術測試與聆聽測試哪一項最重要?


我想,在琢磨的過程中什麼是最重要的,並不取決於科技與音樂表現之間所維持的關係,而是它們是充滿活力而且不斷改變的,並且必須不斷的重新檢測,看看是否那些比較重要的設計原理在未來仍是正確的。我可以舉我們正在發展中的最新Mark Levinson No.32參考前級為例來說明,這部前級將在今年底推出。我們採用類比前級的觀念且讓它更精細精緻,這種作法從來沒有用在以前生產的前級上,其中觀念之一就是我們把最好的電源供應部份放在這部前級上。您或許會問這有什麼不同?我們可以明確的說,是的,實際上在所有我能指出來的產品中,提昇電源供應的表現均一致的得到更好的聲音表現。如果您能降低類比或數位產品中電源供應到各主動級之間銅箔內的漣波、雜訊與波動,它們自己就會說出獲益之處。


七、 當您在調整空間音響效果時,哪些是您認為必須優先處理的?


八、 當您在為新產品作最後的微調時,您喜歡用哪些CD?

Mark:The Cox Family/Just When You're Thinking It's Over

Funky Strut/Manhattan Jazz Quintet/Sweet Basil(ALCR-94)

Holly Cole Trio/Don't Smoke In Bed(CDP 0777 7 81198 21)

Gillian Welch/Revival(AMSD-80006)

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart/Mass in C major, K.317 "Coronation Mass"(CRCB-3016)

Buddy Holly/From The Original Master Tapes(MCAD-5540)

Dead Man Walking - Soundtrack(CK 67522)

Beethoven, Schubert, Mozart, Haydn/Italian Songs - Canzoni(440 297-2)

Frederic Chopin/Pamela Frank, violin; Yo-Yo Ma, cello; Emanuel AX, piano; Eva Osinska, piano(SK 53112)

Trio in G minor for Violin Cello and Piano/Polonaise brillante in C Major for Cello and Piano/Sonata in G minor for Cello and Piano/Polonaise brillante in C Major for Piano

Spirit Traveler - JVC Musical Industries

Chesky Records - You Can Hear The Difference/Sample for Sound Evaluation

Autumn Leaves/Manhattan Jazz Quintet(K32Y 6020)

九、 您的產品有哪些異於別家的特點?







舉一個例子來說明我們的產品如何與眾不同,在數位轉盤這類產品中,我們保留原始的設計、再結合我們的承盤設計以及所有用家接觸介面功能。這讓我們不至於被OEM零組件限制了我們自己想要作的事或它們的功能性。如果我們被外面的零組件供應賣主限制住的話,像「Closed Loop Jitter Reduction」(閉路時基誤差衰減)這麼精細的科技就不可能在一個沒有原始目標的情況下得到性能表現的改善。



十、 請給予我們的讀者一些建議,好讓他們能夠正確選購音響器材。





Enki 在 2005-3-7 15:52:24 发表的内容


今天听了一个小时ML33H 推C2,C2被完全推满,声音相当饱满大气,ML33H也许是推C2最好的后级,就是贵了点.
倾谈音响 品味音乐 www.hiendlife.com,极品人生.


瑞宝 Dirondo Player + Dichrono Hi-Dac
前级 后级: 德国之声RG3 + RG7
箱音: 德国亚卡贝拉Acapella high-violin

奉劝ML336/436 的用家尽快升级Ml33H吧。
倾谈音响 品味音乐 www.hiendlife.com,极品人生.

最喜欢是他的样子 MK经典后级 听说现在的MK没以前的味道了
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