vic1125 在 2004-3-3 18:45:51 发表的内容 大家好,我是一位初哥,我前几天买了一对T&T的喇叭和一副分频器,但是我从资料中发现这个分频器的分频点是2800HZ的。型号是TF2301,和银笛的是一样的。我的低音喇叭是D-8W具体参数是: 阻抗:8Ω 灵敏度:89dB 额定频率范围:fo~5K 总品质因素:0.41Qt 等效容积:44Veq 等效震动半径ao:83mm 音圈直径:38.8 最大冲程:20mm 建议分频点:≤2kHz 数高音喇叭的参数是: 灵敏度:90dB 阻抗:8Ω 高音用的是“TIANAI”牌的,型号是T-99,锥型喇叭,买来是50元1只 请问一下,我该怎么把分频器的分频点从2800调到2000KHZ ; 这个是分频器的具体参数,请各位高手帮帮忙呀~ |
It's difficult to alter the x'over frequency unless you can provide the circuit
diagram and all parts value because x'over can be designed as 1st order,
2nd order, etc,etc. or Butterworth, LR type etc.etc.
Howver, can design for you a x'over but you should let me know how
you wanted this made except the x'over frequency is 2,000Hz that I know.
You must decide which order of the x'over is designed first, otherwise it
will be difficult to match your requirement.