一、美国蛇王的Hydra HC海蛇电源线
1、出售物品:Shunyata Research's Hydra HC Power cable 6ft/1.8m
2、成色:九成新3、价格:直接报实际成交价格2892元4、运费:卖家承担5、所在城市:重庆6、交易方式:淘宝7、联系方式:旺旺为步月斋主,QQ为2671688689@qq.com8、详细描述:美国Shunyata Research
是世界公认的著名电源专家级厂商,其POWER SANKES
年推出市场以来,已成为判断其类别中的所有其他的参考,为音响发烧友所推崇。其性能、专利技术和著名的工艺赢得了他们在世界上最重要的录像,电影和掌握工作室的应用,在行业内多次获奖。制造世界上最优秀的电源产品是Shunyata Research
的追求目标,优秀的电源线会提升用户的音乐和电影系统的最佳性能。Shunyata Research Hydra
HC Power cable
美国蛇王海蛇电源线在Shunyata Research
's Power Cables 的PROFESSIONAL系列中排行老大,适合用于大功率功放,下级型号是Sidewinder VTX
、COPPERHEAD 铜头等。后级或大功率合并机等用上Hydra
HC电源线使系统的声音背景宁静漆黑,高低频两端延伸非常好,中频密度变得更高,细节丰富,播放的乐器声音有很好的活生感。The Hydra HC is manufactured exclusively for use with our Hydra and Guardian Pro power distributors.
Shunyata Research developed the Hydra HC power cord using its DTCD Analysis to optimize its high-current delivery characteristics.
The design of the Hydra HC power cord is dedicated to creating a true high-performance, high-current power cord at an
affordable price. To obtain a significant gain in performance above the Hydra HC power cord, customers will have to go to the Anaconda CX or above. The Hydra HC is not a "pretty faced" audiophile type power cord and is rather industrial in appearance. The money has gone into the conductors, using virtual cylindrical conductors (VTX) and pure CDA-101 copper.