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7位钢琴天才的N款巴赫录音(自藏巴赫键盘乐CD盘点) [复制链接]


唱片收藏有句话:“没有收不到的唱片,如果你够耐心的话”,今天终于收到上面这张KEMPFF 53 巴赫录音,回到家后吧家里的巴赫键盘都翻了出来,挑了15张,在此分享一下。
最后编辑ttsoo 最后编辑于 2012-08-16 23:31:09
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第一碟:肯普夫 Kempff -《巴赫独奏会》(J.S.Bach Recital)Decca 1955

  01. Chromatic Fantasy and Fugue in D minor, BWV.903
  02. Chorale Prelude "Num komm' der Heiden Hailand", BWV.659
  03. Chorale "Jesus bleibet meine Freude" from: Cantata No.147 BWV.147
  04. "Herzlich tut mich verlangen", BWV.727
  05. "In durci jubilo", BWV.751
  06. "Nun freut euch, lieben Christen g'mein", BWV.734a
  07. Siciliano from: Flute Sonata No.2 in E flat major, BWV.1031
  08. Chorale "Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme" from: Cantata No.140, BWV.140
  09.The Harmonious Blacksmith Clavier Suite No.5 in E major, HWV.430: Air & Variations
  10.Bagatelle in A minor, WoO.59 "Fur Elise"
下面这个是在李员外家买的新版,DECCA雄辩系列。曲目大同小异,巴赫录音只有一处不同,第五轨长度为2:00的曲子 IN DULCI JUBILO1个是标BMV 751(日本版),1个标BMV 729,不知道是哪个标注错误了。
HADEL (1685-1759)的 MINUET,
COUPIN(1668-1733) 的  Le carillon de Cythere,
RAMEAU(1683-1764)的 Le Rappel des Oiseaux
BEETHOVEN (1770-1827)的 Bagatelle in C minor WoO 52

第二碟    《李帕蒂演奏巴赫等作品》Great Recordings Of The Century - Dinu Lipatti

Partita No.1 In B-flat, BWV 825: Prelude
  • Partita No.1 In B-flat, BWV 825: Allemande
  • Partita No.1 In B-flat, BWV 825: Courante
  • Partita No.1 In B-flat, BWV 825: Sarabande
  • Partita No.1 In B-flat, BWV 825: Menuets I&II
  • Partita No.1 In B-flat, BWV 825: Gigue
  • Chorale Prelude, BWV 599: Nun Komm, der Heiden Heiland - Bach
  • Chorale Prelude, BWV 639: Ich ruf zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ - Bach
  • Cantata, BWV 147: Choral: 'Jesu bleibet meine Freude' - Bach
  • Sonata No.2 In E-Flat For Flute & Harpsichord, BWV 1031: II. Sicilliano - Bach
  • Sonata in E (Kk.380) - Scarlatti
  • Sonata in D Minor (Kk.9) 'Pastorale' - Scarlatti
  • Sonata No.8 in A Minor (K.310): I. Allegro Maestoso
  • Sonata No.8 in A Minor (K.310): II. Andante cantabile con espressione
  • Sonata No.8 in A Minor (K.310): III. Presto
  • Impromptu in G Flat (D.899) No.3 - Schubert
  • Impromptu in E Flat (D.899) No.2 - Schubert
最后编辑ttsoo 最后编辑于 2012-08-16 20:32:50

第三碟:Richter Plays Bach  Stradivarius 1991
Stradivarius 出版的 4CD装硬托环保装,1991年多场现场演奏的实况录音,超赞听李赫特的BACH是一种享受。

新版本的音质很好,但前提是你没有听过老版法国产的Stradivarius 同款高价CD(4张单独的CD)新版的多了些浑浊,少了些通透和空灵可以负责任的说国内曾出现过该录音的盗版,是用老版翻录的,都比新版音质好。
Disc 1:
   1. Sonata in Do maggiore, BWV 966: Prelude 2:21  
   2. Sonata in Do maggiore, BWV 966: Allemande 3:11  
   3. Sonata in Do maggiore, BWV 966: Adagio - Allegro 1:46  
   4. Sonata in Do maggiore, BWV 966: Fuga 3:39  
   5. Sonata in Re maggiore, BWV 963: Allegro maestoso 3:10  
   6. Sonata in Re maggiore, BWV 963: Grave 1:21  
   7. Sonata in Re maggiore, BWV 963: Fugato 2:56  
   8. Sonata in Re maggiore, BWV 963: Adagio (Presto-Adagio-Allegro) - (Fuga) 3:17  
   9. Sonata in Re minore, BWV 964: Adagio 4:05  
10. Sonata in Re minore, BWV 964: Thema - Allegro 6:58  
11. Sonata in Re minore, BWV 964: Andante 4:45  
12. Sonata in Re minore, BWV 964: Allegro 5:35  
13. Capriccio in Mi maggiore, BWV 993 7:02  
14. Quattro Duetti: No. 1 in Mi minore, BWV 802 3:00  
15. Quattro Duetti: No. 2 in Fa maggiore, BWV 803 3:35  
16. Quattro Duetti: No. 3 in Sol maggiore, BWV 804 2:26  
17. Quattro Duetti: No. 4 in La minore, BWV 805 2:53  
18. Concerto Italiano in Fa maggiore, BWV 971: Allegro 4:15  
19. Concerto Italiano in Fa maggiore, BWV 971: Andante 5:50  
20. Concerto Italiano in Fa maggiore, BWV 971: Presto 4:07  

Disc 2:  
   1. Suite Inglese no. 1 in La maggiore, BWV 806: Prélude 2:07  
   2. Suite Inglese no. 1 in La maggiore, BWV 806: Allemande 4:26  
   3. Suite Inglese no. 1 in La maggiore, BWV 806: Courante I 1:45  
   4. Suite Inglese no. 1 in La maggiore, BWV 806: Courante II 2:27  
   5. Suite Inglese no. 1 in La maggiore, BWV 806: Double I 2:25  
   6. Suite Inglese no. 1 in La maggiore, BWV 806: Double II 2:27  
   7. Suite Inglese no. 1 in La maggiore, BWV 806: Sarabande 4:37  
   8. Suite Inglese no. 1 in La maggiore, BWV 806: Bourrée I 1:44  
   9. Suite Inglese no. 1 in La maggiore, BWV 806: Bourrée II 2:08  
10. Suite Inglese no. 1 in La maggiore, BWV 806: Gigue 2:43  
11. Suite Inglese no. 3 in Sol minore, BWV 808: Prélude 3:34  
12. Suite Inglese no. 3 in Sol minore, BWV 808: Allemande 3:05  
13. Suite Inglese no. 3 in Sol minore, BWV 808: Courante 2:21  
14. Suite Inglese no. 3 in Sol minore, BWV 808: Sarabande 4:54  
15. Suite Inglese no. 3 in Sol minore, BWV 808: Les agréments de la même Sarabande 5:21  
16. Suite Inglese no. 3 in Sol minore, BWV 808: Gavotte I 1:27  
17. Suite Inglese no. 3 in Sol minore, BWV 808: Gavotte II ou la musette 1:37  
18. Suite Inglese no. 3 in Sol minore, BWV 808: Gigue 2:51  

Disc 3:  
   1. Suite Inglese no. 4 in Fa maggiore, BWV 809: Prélude 5:32  
   2. Suite Inglese no. 4 in Fa maggiore, BWV 809: Allemande 2:50  
   3. Suite Inglese no. 4 in Fa maggiore, BWV 809: Courante 1:44  
   4. Suite Inglese no. 4 in Fa maggiore, BWV 809: Sarabande 4:20  
   5. Suite Inglese no. 4 in Fa maggiore, BWV 809: Menuet I 1:20  
   6. Suite Inglese no. 4 in Fa maggiore, BWV 809: Menuet II 2:06  
   7. Suite Inglese no. 4 in Fa maggiore, BWV 809: Gigue 3:56  
   8. Suite Inglese no. 6 in Re minore, BWV 811: Prélude 7:32  
   9. Suite Inglese no. 6 in Re minore, BWV 811: Allemande 3:34  
10. Suite Inglese no. 6 in Re minore, BWV 811: Courante 2:43  
11. Suite Inglese no. 6 in Re minore, BWV 811: Sarabande 4:32  
12. Suite Inglese no. 6 in Re minore, BWV 811: Double 3:01  
13. Suite Inglese no. 6 in Re minore, BWV 811: Gavotte I 1:45  
14. Suite Inglese no. 6 in Re minore, BWV 811: Gavotte II 2:15  
15. Suite Inglese no. 6 in Re minore, BWV 811: Gigue 3:36  

Disc 4:
   1. Suite Francese no. 2 in Do minore, BWV 813: Allemande 3:05  
   2. Suite Francese no. 2 in Do minore, BWV 813: Courante 1:49  
   3. Suite Francese no. 2 in Do minore, BWV 813: Sarabande 3:19  
   4. Suite Francese no. 2 in Do minore, BWV 813: Air 1:26  
   5. Suite Francese no. 2 in Do minore, BWV 813: Menuet I 1:01  
   6. Suite Francese no. 2 in Do minore, BWV 813: Menuet II 1:20  
   7. Suite Francese no. 2 in Do minore, BWV 813: Gigue 2:21  
   8. Suite Francese no. 4 in Mib maggiore, BWV 815: Prélude 1:50  
   9. Suite Francese no. 4 in Mib maggiore, BWV 815: Allemande 2:25  
10. Suite Francese no. 4 in Mib maggiore, BWV 815: Courante 1:48  
11. Suite Francese no. 4 in Mib maggiore, BWV 815: Sarabande 3:16  
12. Suite Francese no. 4 in Mib maggiore, BWV 815: Gavotte I 1:03  
13. Suite Francese no. 4 in Mib maggiore, BWV 815: Gavotte II 2:45  
14. Suite Francese no. 4 in Mib maggiore, BWV 815: Menuet 0:56  
15. Suite Francese no. 4 in Mib maggiore, BWV 815: Air 1:59  
16. Suite Francese no. 4 in Mib maggiore, BWV 815: Gigue 2:36  
17. Toccata in Re minore, BWV 913: Allegro moderato - Adagio - Fugue (Allegro) - Adagio/Presto - Fugue (Allegro) 13:16 Album Only  
18. Fantasia in Do minore, BWV 906
最后编辑ttsoo 最后编辑于 2012-08-16 20:49:09

Richter Plays Bach  Stradivarius 老版封面


第四碟:Sviatoslav Richter: Recital 法国PMDC压片
曲目 · · · · · ·   
  Bach: Preludes and Fugues (Nos. 1, 4-6, 8) from The Well-tempered Clavier, Book 1. (rec. 1965)
  Haydn: Sonate pour piano en sol mineur (Movt 1-2, rec. 1962)
  Schubert: Allegretto en ut mineur, D.915; Läandler en la majeur (rec. 1965)
  Chopin: Polonaise-fantaisie no.7 en la bémol majeur, Op.61; Etude en ut majeur, Op.10, No.7; Etude en ut mineur, Op.10, No.12 "La Révolutionnaire" (rec. 1963)
  Schumann: Thème et Variations sur le nom de "Abegg", Op.1 (rec. 1965)
  Debussy: Estamps (I. Pagodes; II. La Soirée dans Grenade; III. Jardins sous la Pluie; rec. 1963); 3 Préludes pour piano (No.2 Voiles; No.3 Le Vent dans la Plaine; No.5 Les Collines d'Anacapri; rec. 1962)
  Scriabin: Sonate No.5 en fa dièse majeur, Op.53 (rec. 1963)
  Rachmininov: Prélude en sol dièse majeur, Op.32, No.12 (rec. 1965)
  Prokofiev: Visions fugitives, Op.22, Nos.3, 6, & 9 (rec.1965)
  Prokofiev: Sonate pour piano No.8 en si bémol majeur, Op.84 (rec. 1962)

第五碟:加夫里洛夫巴赫法国组曲+布宁的英国组曲N O3、意大利协奏曲BWV971

最后编辑ttsoo 最后编辑于 2012-08-16 22:51:28


   1. English Suite No. 1 in A Major, BWV 806: Prélude 2:04
   2. English Suite No. 1 in A Major, BWV 806: Allemande 4:07
   3. English Suite No. 1 in A Major, BWV 806: Courante I 1:28
   4. English Suite No. 1 in A Major, BWV 806: Courante II avec deux Doubles 4:14
   5. English Suite No. 1 in A Major, BWV 806: Sarabande 4:04
   6. English Suite No. 1 in A Major, BWV 806: Bourrée I 1:46
   7. English Suite No. 1 in A Major, BWV 806: Bourrée II 2:16
   8. English Suite No. 1 in A Major, BWV 806: Gigue 2:18
   9. English Suite No. 3 in G minor, BWV 808: Prélude 2:56
10. English Suite No. 3 in G minor, BWV 808: Allemande 3:20
11. English Suite No. 3 in G minor, BWV 808: Courante 2:06
12. English Suite No. 3 in G minor, BWV 808: Sarabande 3:21
13. English Suite No. 3 in G minor, BWV 808: Gavotte I 1:32
14. English Suite No. 3 in G minor, BWV 808: Gavotte II (ou la Musette) 1:38
15. English Suite No. 3 in G minor, BWV 808: Gigue 2:45
16. English Suite No. 6 in D minor, BWV 811: Prélude; Allegro 6:56
17. English Suite No. 6 in D minor, BWV 811: Allemande 3:47
18. English Suite No. 6 in D minor, BWV 811: Courante 2:04
19. English Suite No. 6 in D minor, BWV 811: Sarabande - IVa. Double 4:29
20. English Suite No. 6 in D minor, BWV 811: Gavotte I 1:36
21. English Suite No. 6 in D minor, BWV 811: Gavotte II 2:10
22. English Suite No. 6 in D minor, BWV 811: Gigue 3:07
23. Suite No. 5 in E Major, HWV 430: Prelude 1:50
24. Suite No. 5 in E Major, HWV 430: Allemande 2:00
25. Suite No. 5 in E Major, HWV 430: Courante 1:30
26. Suite No. 5 in E Major, HWV 430: Air (with 5 variations; "Harmonious Blacksmith") 3:29

   1. English Suite No. 2 in A minor, BWV 807: I. Prélude (Instrumental) 4:46
   2. English Suite No. 2 in A minor, BWV 807: II. Allemande (Instrumental) 3:40
   3. English Suite No. 2 in A minor, BWV 807: III. Courante (Instrumental) 1:37
   4. English Suite No. 2 in A minor, BWV 807: IV. Sarabande (Instrumental) 3:54
   5. English Suite No. 2 in A minor, BWV 807: V. Bourrée (Instrumental) 2:08
   6. English Suite No. 2 in A minor, BWV 807: VI. Bourrée II (Instrumental) 2:10
   7. English Suite No. 2 in A minor, BWV 807: VII. Gigue (Instrumental) 3:12
   8. English Suite No. 4 in F Major, BWV 809: I. Prélude (Instrumental) 4:28
   9. English Suite No. 4 in F Major, BWV 809: II. Allemande (Instrumental) 3:42
10. English Suite No. 4 in F Major, BWV 809: III. Courante (Instrumental) 1:25
11. English Suite No. 4 in F Major, BWV 809: IV. Sarabande (Instrumental) 3:28
12. English Suite No. 4 in F Major, BWV 809: V. Menuett I (Instrumental) 1:17
13. English Suite No. 4 in F Major, BWV 809: VI. Menuett II (Instrumental) 2:02
14. English Suite No. 4 in F Major, BWV 809: VII. Gigue (Instrumental) 3:10
15. English Suite No. 5 in E minor, BWV 810: I. Prélude (Instrumental) 5:11
16. English Suite No. 5 in E minor, BWV 810: II. Allemande (Instrumental) 3:58
17. English Suite No. 5 in E minor, BWV 810: III. Courante (Instrumental) 1:50
18. English Suite No. 5 in E minor, BWV 810: IV. Sarabande (Instrumental) 3:34
19. English Suite No. 5 in E minor, BWV 810: V. Passepied I (en Rondeau) (Instrumental) 1:06
20. English Suite No. 5 in E minor, BWV 810: VI. Passepied II (Instrumental) 1:53
21. English Suite No. 5 in E minor, BWV 810: VII. Gigue (Instrumental) 3:01


最后编辑ttsoo 最后编辑于 2012-08-16 22:49:31


最后编辑ttsoo 最后编辑于 2012-08-16 22:57:58

第七碟 巴赫帕蒂塔 佩拉西奥

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