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Marston 求助!! [复制链接]

Marston的唱片 在他的网站 怎么下单? 买过的大哥 给点帮助吧  谢谢
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原帖由 yubo87621 于 2012-4-12 1:30:00 发表
Marston的唱片 在他的网站 怎么下单? 买过的大哥 给点帮助吧  谢谢

(分享參考)Marston 于 Music & Arts 經手的歌劇CD :
WHRA-6010 (2) VERDI : IL TROVATORE . Metropolitan Opera Broadcast on 27 December 1947. With Stella Roman as Leonora, Leonard Warren as Il Conte di Luna, Margaret Harshaw as Azucena, Jussi Björling as Manrico, Giacomo Vaghi as Ferrando, Lodovico Oliviero as Ruiz, Inge Manski as Ines and John Baker as Gypsy. Metropolitan Opera Orchestra and Chorus. Conducted by Emil Cooper. Audio restoration: Ward Marston; notes: Stephen Hastings.
EAN Nr. 4 015023 160101   Not for sale in USA

WHRA 6020(4)    JUSSI BJÖRLING IN TWO PUCCINI OPERAS: LA BOHÈME AND MANON LESCAUT-- LIVE PERFORMANCES FROM THE MET [1948 & 1956].  Giacomo Puccini’s La bohème, Metropolitan Opera Broadcast: 25 December 1948. Cast as follows: Mimì: Bidú Sayão; Rodolfo: Jussi Björling; Musetta: Mimi Benzell; Marcello: Frank Valentino; Schaunard: George Cehanovsky; Colline: Nicola Moscona; Benoit and Alcindoro: Salvatore Baccaloni; Parpignol: Anthony Marlowe; Sergeant: Lawrence Davidson. With the Metropolitan Opera Chorus and Orchestra, conducted by Giuseppe Antonicelli. – Manon Lescaut, Metropolitan Opera Broadcast: 31 March 1956. Cast as follows: Manon: Licia Albanese; Des Grieux; Jussi Björling; Lescaut: Frank Guarrera; Geronte: Fernando Corena; Edmondo: Thomas Hayward; Innkeeper: George Cehanovsky; Solo Madrigalist: Rosalind Elias; Dancing Master: Alessio De Paolis; Sergeant: Calvin Marsh; Lamplighter: James McCracken: Captain: Osie Hawkins. With the Metropolitan Opera Chorus and Orchestra, conducted by Dimitri Mitropoulos. 2008 digital restorations: Ward Marston. Notes by Stephen Hastings. Total times: CD 1 = 54:33, CD 2 = 55:31, CD 3 = 66:48, CD 4 = 69:07. 4 CDs  EAN # 8 717092 003285  
Not for sale in the USA

WHRA-6021(3)    JUSSI BJÖRLING IN VERDI’S DON CARLO— LIVE PERFORMANCES FROM THE MET [performed in Italian]. The radio broadcast of 11 November 1950 (released complete and in good sound for the first time—prior issues were composites), and 45 min. of excerpts from the audio track of the telecast of 6 November 1950 (first release). Don Carlo – Jussi Björling; Filippo II - Cesare Siepi; Rodrigo – Robert Merrill ; Il Grande Inquisitore - Jerome Hines; Un Frate - Lubomir Vichegonov; Elisabetta di Valois - Delia Rigal; La principessa Eboli – Fedora Barbieri; Tebaldo - Anne Bollinger; Il Conte di Lerma - Paul Franke; Un Araldo Reale – Emery Darcy; Una voce dal cielo - Lucine Amara. Chorus and Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera House, New York, conducted by Fritz Stiedry. 2008 digital restorations from new sources: Ward Marston. Notes by Stephen Hastings. EAN # 5 425008 376677. Not for sale in the USA

WHRA-6044 (1) JOHN BARBIROLLI COND. TRISTAN, ACT II -- NYPSO 1939 WITH FLAGSTAD (see our latest new release sheet sent last week)
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