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- 2003-12-12
发表于 2011-02-25 12:58
Music and Arts WHRA 6038(6) / 6CD=4CD PRICE | WHRA-6038 | GLENN GOULD IN CONCERT, 1951-1960 (6CD) 3月中到貨 | Artist: | GLENN GOULD | Details: | BACH: Goldberg Variations, Vancouver Festival, 7/23/1958*. Clavier Concerto No. 1 in d, Swedish RSO, G.L. Jochum, 10/5/1958*. Clavier Concerto No. 5 in f, CBC SO, N. Goldschmidt; Toronto; 9/11/1957; Brandenburg Concerto No. 5 in D, Detroit SO, Paul Paray, 10/13/1960*. HAYDN: Piano Sonata in Eb, Hob.XVI:49; Vancouver; 7/23/1958*. MOZART: Piano Concerto No. 24 in c K. 491, NYPSO, Leonard Bernstein: 4/4/1959*. BEETHOVEN: Piano Concerto No. 2 in Bb, Op. 19, Detroit SO, Paul Paray, 10/13/1960. Cello Sonata No. 3 in A, Op. 69, with Leonard Rose, Stratford; 8/7/1960. Trio No. 4 in D (“Ghost”), with O. Shumsky, L. Rose, Stratford 8/7/1960. Piano Concerto No. 5 in Eb (“Emperor”), Buffalo PO, J. Krips: 11/6/1960. Piano Sonata No. 30 in Eb, Op. 109: Vienna; June 7, 1957. WEBER: Concert-Stück in f, Op. 79, Toronto SO, Ernest MacMillan: 3/6/1951. BRAHMS: Piano Con. No. 1 in d, Op. 15, Winnipeg SO, Victor Feldbrill, 10/8/1959*. SCHOENBERG: Piano Concerto, Op. 42, Cleveland Orchestra, Louis Lane, 11/26/1959*. Three Piano Pieces, Op. 11: Toronto; 10/4/1952*. 15 Verses from “The Book of the Hanging Gardens” by Stefan George, Op. 15, Kerstin Meyer, mezzo-soprano, Vancouver 8/2/1960*. Suite for Piano Op. 25: Toronto; 10/4/1952*; WEBERN: Variations, Op. 27: Leningrad Conservatory; 5/19/1957*; KRENEK: Piano Sonata No. 3: Leningrad Conservatory; 5/19/1957*. All dates notated as month/day/year. * = Previously unreleased. Set includes approximately 5 hours of unissued live recordings. Special price: 6 CDs priced as 4
This set documents Glenn Gould the concert pianist in unprecedented depth. The recordings range in date from 1951, when Gould was just eighteen years old, to 1960, a few years before he gave up concert life for good. They include all of the genres in which he performed live—solo works, songs, chamber music, concertos. And they cover almost the whole range of his repertoire: the earliest work represented here, by Bach, dates from the early eighteenth century; the latest, by Ernst Krenek (who befriended Gould, and outlived him), was composed in 1943. In between are composers who were central to the young Gould’s repertoire: Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, Brahms, Schoenberg, and Webern. Included here are some of his warhorses but also several works of which he never made an authorized studio recording or broadcast, as well as a few interpretations that differ significantly from those in his official releases.