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关于24bit/96khz, 192khz音源的一些疑问 [复制链接]


无争鸣无提高   刚刚来了兴致正好搜到一篇短文  解释了96k的优点  而且正好也是在我研究的领域内的解释  觉得挺靠谱  简而言之   理论是正确的  但是实施起来被一个滤波器打了折扣   而高采样率正好弥补了这个折扣   让声音更加真实

If all the numbers below are spinning your head, just think of a painting in digitized form.
With a low resolution, you get the idea of the picture, but it looks rough and grainy. With a higher resolution the picture looks fine and smooth. With an extremely high resolution the digitized print would almost identically resemble the original painting. 16 bit gives you 65,536 ‘pixels’, 24 bit gives you over 16 Million ‘pixels’.
Technically speaking, the resolution of the audio signal in a 16 bit system is 65,536 steps. Each bit gives you 6 dB dynamics. In the ideal world, 16 bit would give your music 96 dB dynamics. In the real world, 1-2 bits = 6-12 dB are noise, and about 18dB = 3 bit have to be left as headroom to merge tracks, add EQ etc. So a normal 16 bit recording is really a 11-12 bit recording = 72 dB dynamics and 4,096 steps resolution.
The resolution of the audio signal in a 24 bit system is 16,777,216 steps. With 6dB dynamics per bit, 24 bit give your audio a theoretical 144 dB dynamics. Subtract the 4 bits for noise and headroom and you have a usable resolution for your music of 20 bit = 120 dB dynamics.

至于为什么要用24bit  上文同样给出了靠谱的答案   原来16bit真正能达到的信噪比只有72db 已经低于人耳的分辨率了 所以理论上24bit确实有用的哦
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